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Research regarding tardiness
Research regarding tardiness
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Tardy Policy
Students are deprived from there leaning do to the tardy policy. A policy that is unfair this tardy policy makes students serve a 30 min detention if there even a second late to class and after multiple absences or tardies you can face legal consequences. There's many reasons why students may be late for example students need to take the city buss, bikes ,cars to school but there's always traffic so sometimes it's not the students fault , students shouldn't be given a 30 minute detention for being a couple of minutes late.
First this Tardy Policy deprived us students , we try are best to come to school on time but there's going to be days where we won't be on time due to problems. As a Millikan student I take the city bus at 6:46 everyday and it's hard and stressful, the bus can take long to get to school due to traffic. Also when my parents drive me there's always traffic , I always see students getting dropped off in the middle of the street just to try to make it on time. That can be really dangerous and It can cause a accident. Students should not have to be rushed to try to make it in time just cause they don't want
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In a homework assignment i did for intro to law i had to ask a student what rule they wanted to change and a lot of students overheard about 15 and said the tardy policy because it takes away from are learning.This tardy Policy affects everyone. Some students that know that they will be late rather not show up because they rather not get the 30 min detention. As a student many classmates have done this , they like school but they don't want to serve a detention during or after school. Teachers are instructed to close the doors as soon as the bells ring and if you don't make it on time that's your “fault” , then what happens is you'll just stay outside of class waiting till the staff pass by to sweep you up and take you to your
Students should not feel the anxiety of being late to class based on the CSUF parking issues. Tardiness often suggests that students could be lazy or show lack of care for their education. On the other hand, tardiness may be different at a school similar to CSUF. Titan students will quickly learn that they must show up to school an hour early in order to find a parking space, if they are lucky. Due to students not being capable of finding a parking space on time, they are generally tardy to their college courses. In this case, student’s education should not be affected due to parking issues. However, colleges are not as impacted in the summer, therefore, students should not be expected to worry about finding an open location to park. Although, several students may have disagreed that the parking lot tends to be impacted in the summer as well. For example, I attend a summer course for English, having
I agree with Garland I feel that attendance shouldn’t be mandatory because that’s just forcing those who don’t want to learn go to school. Those who are always getting into fights and causing problems shouldn’t be able to attend school. I like how Garland talks about why mandatory attendance is just based upon the idea that every American has the right to basic education. “But as the old saying goes, your rights stop where the next guy’s begin” (620). Garland explains how every student who wants an education regardless of their inabilities should find a way to receive an education. On the other hand, I remember when I used to go to high school and I witnessed how my friends thought attendance was a big joke. My classmates would always show up late or not even bother to show up. Participation points weren’t a big deal in Hope Academy since all of our classes were online. It didn’t take long before the school started to enforce strict rules. If one doesn’t want to attend school, shouldn’t show up. I feel that mandatory attendance is outrageous. One who wants to learn will find a way to receive an education. Mandatory attendance just gives the trouble-makers an opportunity to waste everyone’s time for those who really want to learn. To sum up, mandatory attendance shouldn’t be allowed. Schools are learning centers that provide students education they aren’t centers of entertainments. Garland also talks about school cafeterias and how they serve unhealthy
After the first year you get your licence, getting a "DUI", speeding, or getting in an accident revokes your license for six months, and to regain it you must retake the driver's ed course. The law proposes a similar punishment for having low grades: If you have a failing grade in two terms, you lose your licence for six months. This proposed law punishes a kid failing a class and a kid who physically wrecks his car at the same degree. It is absurd to hold kids at such high degree of punishment based on two grades. There are several reasons why a child might fail academically, like a loss in the family. If you do have a good reason for failing a class, you have to be reviewed by your principal and have him personally write a letter to the Department of Motor Vehicles. This tedious process unfairly gives students a very severe punishment for a minor, irrelevant
Lastly, students have many chores and students are expected to do all their chores, homework, take a bath, and go to sleep on time. With detention in the picture students may be way up over their
A community service requirement should not be allowed to be adjusted in students’ schedules while they are in school because
On the website for the American Association of School Administrators, an article stated that in more than 100 studies of schools with block scheduling discipline referrals dropped between 25 and 50 percent. This shows that students are more focused, so don’t feel the need to act out. The same article said that the number of tardy students and in-school suspensions were reduced, and attendance improved. I believe that this is because in the longer class periods, more can be accomplished, so missing class would affect grades at a greater scale. This works as an incentive for students to arrive on time, and would therefore improve students’ focus on school work and
Do you ever wonder why you choose not to do something until the last minute? Sure you have! It has happened to everyone. I mostly believe that there are negative attributes to procrastination, more so than good attributes. Traits of adjourning include how rewarding a task may seem, affecting how hard a person will work on it, and laziness. Some may see procrastination as healthy, such as active procrastination. Although good effects appear from procrastinating, stress is a larger effect. Stress causes a few illnesses. Procrastination is a bad thing that generally occurs in everyone when short-term benefits are the only outcome people see.
The definition of procrastination is: the action of delaying or postponing something. Tim Urban, who conducts a speech called Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator for TED in 2016, explains that every human is a procrastinator- some more than others. I agree with everything he says in his speech because I can connect with every piece of evidence he claims, mostly including that there is a “Panic Monster” that pops up in your brain when you are close to a deadline and haven’t gotten anything done, especially when it comes from why I’m always so stressed out about school. There are two different kinds of procrastination: deadline and non-deadline. (Urban, 2016) Everyone that I have ever met is a procrastinator
Students will be waiting too long if some parents have to work late or work far. The teachers will have to wait with the students for the parents to come pick them up. If students forget to arrange a ride beforehand, then there will be a big line in the office of students trying to find a ride. It will make it difficult and chaotic in the office. When leaving the school there will be so many cars and students won't be able to find their parents.
when a student is absent without an excuse from a class 3 times in a school year the student becomes truant(school attendance improvement strategies,1). being late to class for more than 30
The issue of this essay is whether or not there should be repercussions for tardiness in college. The author shows a strong stance on there not being repercussions for tardiness in college classes.
Imagine getting home around somewhere later than 9:00 p.m. because you had to go somewhere or do something and still have to do a whole page of some kind of class homework. It would cause some students to stay up until around 11:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. just because of homework. Students would be struggling the next morning getting up or even falling asleep during a class. Students shouldn’t have to worry about that kind of stuff. If school hours would be shortened by at least an hour, then students wouldn’t have to worry being tired the next day or wouldn’t have to stay up very
Not only can they get into trouble, but they can also run into trouble. High Schooler’s are easy targets for trouble, plain and simple. If the police have heard of a crime committed and it is late at night and they see a group of High Schoolers they will question you and maybe even bring you to the station. In 1997 9 out of 10 cities said that curfews are a good use of police officers time and 88 % observed that enforcing curfews made their streets safer. If curfews can be inflicted and put into play, students may have much more opportunities to succeed and be better than the people before them. In another example if students are home by curfew there is no reason for trouble. This keeps them safe and it keeps their friends safe.
Have you ever heard of being fashionably late? What does that mean? How can it ever be fashionable to be late? Is that even possible? We are almost always late everywhere that we go.
...s rarely notify to students when there's some change in schedule. We students just get up early, go to class and are told that now we have no class as usual. That's so trivial but that annoys many people. If we do not have a strict policy, then no more getting up early, no more hustle and bustle on bus and no more waste time like this. Furthermore, teachers may have more free time if students just stay at home and do homework. They just sit at the table with a Internet-connected computer and communicate with their students via email or such thing. Then they will have more time for scientific research - is it more productive? Vietnam now has very few scientists - many of whom just rush in teaching and be trapped with heave work-load. If we relieve the policy, then we will have more part-time scientists-that are teachers.