Community service is a common service for people to take care of each other and volunteer. People apply to different community services: soup kitchen, taking care of children and homeless people, clinics, churches, schools, neighbor's house and many countless places to volunteer. Some people really enjoy to work at community services while others do not. These community services can be a punishment for criminals because a court assigns them to do so. However, some people do not agree with community service supporters. While some people believe that there should be a community service requirement for high school and college graduation because students need to learn and have experiences there, they are right; on the other hand, a community service requirement should be allowed for two reasons and not be allowed for another three reasons.
A community service requirement should be allowed for a career exploration. Community services can help people to find their careers if these careers have to do with people’s goals and plans. These community services have a lot of career options. For example, a community service at any hospitals and clinics can be beneficial for people who major in pre-med or nursing either. Additionally, other people can volunteer in these types of community services also if these people are undecided to major in a medical field. Furthermore, other types of community services: soup kitchen, neighbor's house, social services to take care of children and homeless people can help people to choose their careers to be a counselor, a teacher, a social worker, a human resource worker, a clergy, and many different types of workers to work with and help people. When people are undecided, they can go to any commun...
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...h to work with children in elementary level classroom; I helped them to be prepared for a special dancing and singing mixed event in the other side of a church. I enjoyed working in the classroom at this church, but I never thought to become a clergy, a priest or a religion-related worker because I am not really religious person. In the mean time, this community service did not help me to choose a career and explore skills and interests. However, some people would feel do not want to volunteer because they do not see what is the point of it when it has nothing to do with their plans. I concede a community service for a career exploration, but this should not be a requirement for graduation because it is unfair to people who have career plans.
A community service requirement should not be allowed to be adjusted in students’ schedules while they are in school because
Community service occurs when a group of people comes to work together for the benefit of an institution. For instance, the Houston Food Bank may be a requirement for schools, but it helps aid those in need. These all tie together because they show how a group of people can learn from their experience. These have differences, though. For example, while volunteering is just doing a good deed for the community, service learning is actually learning from this experience. Volunteering is also different from community service, because volunteering is broader than community service. These do have similarities though; for instance, a lesson can be learned from both service learning and volunteering, though it is not requirement for volunteering. Volunteering is more for the good of nature to help others. Community service can be similar to service learning because they are both ways of providing a service to the community or a particular
Imagine a typical teen, they have a job, homework, sports, and other extracurriculars. They don’t get home till late at night and they are exhausted. This teen can take much more and thankfully they are about to graduate, but wait the school wants them to fit in one hundred of community service into that schedule in order to graduate. How on earth is this busey teen suppose to do that with all that they have going on? Students should not have to do one hundred hours of community service to graduate high school.
This school should not require 100 hours of community service as a graduation requirement because of the busy lives of teenagers, the pressure of graduation, and loss of enthusiasm for community service. Schools should encourage community service but this is not the way to do it.
I believe that being able to assist others is a positive part of life that we all endure. Although we sometimes view service as unnecessary work, it gives me a sense of pride knowing I’m able to volunteer in my community. Being around people who are willing to work hard has affected my life by motivating me to view service as something that will benefit not only the community, but myself and my views on life as well. Because service is such an important part of being in NJHS, I think my work in the community puts me in a good position in the admission
People become involved in community service for different reasons and it is up to the individual to realize if it is worthwhile and why they are helping others. Community service brings a nation together. Every country wants its community to be disciplined and work for change. Community service is the best way to inculcate responsibility into individuals. This is where I come in, as a volunteer, as an activist for a change and assistance. I have been inducted and a member of three unique clubs with a core purpose of community service and assistance to others. I have been apart of CSF, California Scholarship Federation, for three years and counting. Each system it is required for obtain fifteen hours of community service, whether be with an organization or school based activity. California Scholarship Federation is an exclusive community of college bound scholars who share resources, provide peer tutoring, and pursue success through community service and academic achievement. I became inducted into NHS, National Honor Society, my sophomore year. Since then I have been an active member participating in every community service opportunity our club participates in. In addition to the club's community service, we as members are required to obtain a certain amount of community service outside the club in order for our membership to not be revoked. NHS
As a kid, I recall my parents and many relatives frequently asking, "What do you want to be when you grow up?", and without hesitation, I would think of the coolest occupations. My answers would usually comprise of being a cop, nurse, astronaut or the President of the Untied States. It was difficult to pick one, as there were numerous jobs that held my interest. For some individuals, dream occupations turn into a reality. Often times, the professions we loved growing up becomes a fun memory in the past. Throughout my childhood, my parents valued the significance and importance of regarding and helping other people. Before attending college, I was uncertain of my career plan, however; was one thing I was sure of was: the longing to help, to teach, and/or to positively affect others.
Lastly, graduation is a big part of anyone’s life, and disallowing it can be devastating, especially for a very small problem. If a student works countless hours getting straight A’s every year, they should not be denied graduation because they didn’t work service hours at their local laundromat. Forcing community service hours is completely redefining what graduation is, since it used to be that the student excelled enough in each subject to get the passing grades, which isn’t the case when students are concurrently forced to do worthless
I have always considered myself a very promising student. I have worked extremely hard and received high grades. I have a close knit group of friends and my teachers and I have mutual respect for each other .Although I would consider myself at this present stage ‘fulfilled’ something was missing. I realized it wasn’t a materialistic aspect of my life. Through a tragic incident I finally discovered what fit perfectly in that vacancy. The consecutive hospitalizations of my grandparents evoked great pain and sorrow. However, out of the scorching intensity of this tragedy I was warmed and comforted by realizing what I was devoid of: community service.
Community service is something that I have always engaged. In college, I worked with chemically dependent children as both a caretaker and a mentor. After I graduated, I taught at-risk children in a community youth outreach program. To remain involved and aware of the focus of my studies during my first year of law school, I volunteered at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center teaching youth their basic legal rights. Essentially, we strove to empower kids by providing practical information about the legal system and to help them develop more favora...
I have made friends with the elderly and sick children, these groups alone helped influence my future career, and without community service I wouldn’t have this
Community Service is a great opportunity to make a difference in the area you live in. There are so many ways to volunteer. Some people are given chances to do community service when they need to pay off fines for tickets. Most people simply do because they love getting involved. It’s their way of making the community a cleaner, healthier place.
Community Service is a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions. There are two groups who perform community service, and those are criminals and the rest of us. This means that, for the majority of us, performing community service is completely voluntary. It is for this reasons li that I believe that community service should not be mandatory in high school for graduation. The supporters of this act think of it as an ideal society’s noble concept, but it is rather a noble concept trying to force an ideal society. When you look at it from this perspective you realize it is ironic.
Well, that depends who you're talking to. Slip the word "mandatory" behind community service, as school districts in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and hundreds of others have done, and "opportunity" takes a new twist. Opportunity for who? For the students, or for the communities that can now capitalize on students' free labor? (Martin, pg. 13)
Lastly, requiring community service in order for high school students to graduate gives the school district 's power to determine what is considered community service and what is not. Would the schools consider babysitting community service or would they only accept service done at community centers? Giving school districts the power to decide whether a deed counts as community service or not would most likely bring a lot of bigger problems into their districts. Community service really has no limitations and students can give to the community in a lot of different ways, not just what the school
Without community service, people would not know the meaning of charity and giving back. Community service can be defined as a service that is performed for the benefit of the public. Community service is not a responsibility or an obligation; it is a commitment. A person must want to do it with good intentions and not because they are being forced to do so. Basically, community service is a way for a person to give back to the community in which they live.