Imagine a typical teen, they have a job, homework, sports, and other extracurriculars. They don’t get home till late at night and they are exhausted. This teen can take much more and thankfully they are about to graduate, but wait the school wants them to fit in one hundred of community service into that schedule in order to graduate. How on earth is this busey teen suppose to do that with all that they have going on? Students should not have to do one hundred hours of community service to graduate high school. High school students should not have to serve one hundred hours of community to graduate because they already have enough on our plates as it is. Most teens already have multiple things going on in there lives. Adding on one more extra requirement onto the hectic schedules of these teens will cause an overload. The school piles kids down with homework and also expects students to study in order to get good grades, which it should be expected, but that is the limit for most. For example, lets say and average teenager who has to pay for their own care and gas and also other e...
This school should not require 100 hours of community service as a graduation requirement because of the busy lives of teenagers, the pressure of graduation, and loss of enthusiasm for community service. Schools should encourage community service but this is not the way to do it.
First of all, many high school graduates cannot handle college. Isabel V. Sawhill and Stephanie Owen describe college as a place, “one can obtain a traditional four-year bachelor’s degree”. The work load outside of the classroom could be compared to working a full time job. For example, if a student is enrolled in four college courses and is in class a minimum of four hours the student should spend at least four to six hours of studying. This may be extremely agitating and stressful to a student that is not good at studying. The new college student may realize that the schoolwork is too much for him to handle and instead drop out. In Pharinet’s blog post, Is College for Everyone? He states that “…it is estimated that in the U.S., approximately 50% of students who begin college never graduate. There exist students who are not yet ready for the academic and financial challenges of college. There exist students who do not have the desire for college or learning.” This statement is important because if 50% of students that begin college never gradua...
Lastly, graduation is a big part of anyone’s life, and disallowing it can be devastating, especially for a very small problem. If a student works countless hours getting straight A’s every year, they should not be denied graduation because they didn’t work service hours at their local laundromat. Forcing community service hours is completely redefining what graduation is, since it used to be that the student excelled enough in each subject to get the passing grades, which isn’t the case when students are concurrently forced to do worthless
There are many factors that would lead someone to believe that high school is a waste of time. High school has too many distractions for kids to try to concentrate on learning. Since the Columbine tragedy police officers have moved into most high schools and created a distraction for most students. During the day students have study halls that are a huge waste of time, while this time could be utilized to have more instruction or tutoring for kids. Every student is different and has a different learning style. Yet schools don’t separate kids by their learning style to help maximize their curriculum intake. Students are also forced to take classes that they have no interest in and will not be used in their future. All these reasons show how school has too much wasted time and is not doing what it school is intended to do.
Have you ever felt a desire to lend a helping hand for your community? If only all people felt like this, schools might not have to require hundreds of hours of volunteer work from their high school students. Across the country, more schools are requiring mandatory volunteer service as an additional graduation requirement for these students. Although volunteer work can be very beneficial for the community, the extra work should not be required for high school students because they will be caused greater stress, will have less academic focus, and they will have less time for their needs.
A community service requirement should not be allowed to be adjusted in students’ schedules while they are in school because
Secondly, as grim a fact as it is, we need to consider that students are already struggling as it is on average. Outside the education realm, students might have to deal with issues such as social status, self-esteem, up-and-down relationships with friends or significant others, or even worse parents, which could lead to a whole other batch of problems alone. Of course, assuming none of these problems arise, we find that they most of all struggle with their education. According to a speech given by President Obama, 1.2 million students drop out of high school every year. If you add more requirements for graduation can we really expect any better? Let’s certainly not forget that many schools probably shouldn’t have more on their plate either. Around 2,000 high schools make up 60% of these drop outs. That means 12% of all American high schools have a high concentration of problems, and if they can’t do their basic function of teaching them how can we expect them to handle mandatory community service?
Community service: What a wonderful opportunity for students! A chance for our younger citizens to learn responsibility, experience the satisfaction that comes with helping others and to acquire new skills.
Lastly, requiring community service in order for high school students to graduate gives the school district 's power to determine what is considered community service and what is not. Would the schools consider babysitting community service or would they only accept service done at community centers? Giving school districts the power to decide whether a deed counts as community service or not would most likely bring a lot of bigger problems into their districts. Community service really has no limitations and students can give to the community in a lot of different ways, not just what the school
First of all, I feel as if the University 102 class should only be scheduled on Mondays because I do not understand the logic behind attending the class three times per a week. Secondly, I disagree with the mandatory community service due to the fact that it is unnecessary and my grade should not be determined by my good deeds. As a freshman in college, it is already difficult to adjust to the college lifestyle and the mandatory community service is overbearing. Community service should be optional because in the real word, nobody will force a person to give back to their community. Therefore, community service is ineffective if someone is forced to participate in order to receive a good grade in University 102.
I understand that school is a good thing and it gives us the knowledge that we need to secure a good education but drilling it into us and not getting enough time to decompress is not good for us either. We all need time with our friends, socializing with others. Socializing also teaches us how to deal with others that we may not get along with. Those that play sports would not have enough time to practice. Some people may think that sports are not important but i disagree because it teaches us that we may not always win and that the only way to get any better is to practice it also teaches us about having good sportsmanship. If they extended the hours we would not have as much time with our families. People’s family lives are already suffering from not spending enough time together and we will suffer more if they extend the
Some schools think that teenagers should only do three years in high school than four, agree or disagree? I disagree. The more years in school the more education. The earlier teens graduate the less prepared they will be for the world. Teens will be more mature. Teenagers’ brains are still developing and if they go to school longer and keep learning the smarter they’ll be and they will more than likely have a better life if they do four years in high school than three.
It’s time again when the seniors are getting ready to figure out what classes they need to take to get all their credits to graduate. They’re running around all crazy, freaking out about if they're going to get accepted to the college of their dreams or if they can even afford college. The last thing they need on their mind is taking extra elective classes that they don’t even need. Seniors that have all of their credits to graduate should be able to leave school when they are done with class.
“Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world”, (Mandela, Nelson.) Before entering your final years of schooling in college, the average child goes through about 14 years of school. Starting in the optional pre-school, going throughout first to 12 grade. They say high school is the best years of your life, and to live in the present and take in as much as you can. And that is so true, high school flies by faster than anyone could ever imagine. A controversial topic today is whether or not high schools should begin doing five year extensions instead of four years, Personally, I disagree. If high school is expanded to five years instead of four, it will cause students to loose interest in school and have high absence rates,
Should student service learning hours be mandatory for high school graduation by Claire Koenig is article that it's saying that people to graduate from that school have to do community service to be a highschool graduate. Schools shouldn't make community service mandatory for the students at school. Students should have the right to do it or not. It's not fair for the students by having mandatory community service many students will able to spend free time on their free time many students will be having lack of focus many students aren't necessary on doing community service it won't really help them students should not