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A case study on counseling sessions
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Recommended: A case study on counseling sessions
Upon beginning my counseling sessions at the student counseling center, I was unsure of what I would experience as a client, unsure of how I would react or what I would disclose during the sessions, and I was nervous about participating in counseling sessions. Before my first session, I found myself reflecting on why I felt so uneasy and nervous about participating in an individual session. Specifically, I remember thinking about how this activity would give me the opportunity to be a client, and the experience of participating in a counseling session. I also remember reiterating to myself that I am pursuing a career in the field of counseling, so this experience would be one I embrace, instead of view negatively. Throughout the six sessions, I found myself journaling my reflection of how my sessions went, as well as my impression and feedback of my counselor. I found this beneficial in helping me reflect on the information discussed during sessions, as well as provided me the opportunity to assess my counselor and the impact of each session.
At the initial session with my counseling intern, Sarah, she appeared very relaxed and had great interpersonal skills. She frequently used my first name during our discussions, and maintained eye contact with me. I initially expected her to immediately start going over paperwork, and provide me with an in-depth overview of what the six sessions would consist of; instead, she started off by introducing herself, provided me with a brief synopsis of her background, and then transitioned into having me complete an information sheet, and lastly reviewed the informed consent document. She made sure to ask me if I had any questions or comments about what had been reviewed thus far,...
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... how my behaviors can be understood differently in different contexts; as well as, learned how to be open to addressing situations in new ways. Moreover, it provided me with a different outlook of myself, and brought about new responses to some of my most recent experiences. Without participating in these sessions, I more than likely would not have taken out the time to gain a better awareness of myself, or address certain issues. Therefore, this experience has given me the courage to not be ashamed of wanting to gain more insight into myself, or seek outside assistance to address certain issues. Overall, this project helped me view myself more clearly, and allowed me to form my own opinions about the counseling experience.
Works Cited
Peterson, J.V., & Nisenholz, B. (1999). Orientation to counseling (4th edition). Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
I have changed how I communicate on both ends of the spectrum: I am aware of how I speak and how I listen. As a counselor, I am able to help my clients find solutions on their own, and as a wife, mother and friend, I can be a thoughtful and caring person to live with and talk to.
Are you certified in a counseling approach or have you gone to trainings for a counseling approach?
...p the session. I started by recalling how high she had rated her level of tension at the beginning of the session and had her re-rate it at this point. She claimed that her tension had diminished to a 3 and that she felt much better. I ended the session by summarizing the various events and complimenting her on her courage and willingness to explore these difficult issued and her ability to accept them as part of her. She thanked me for helping her through it and then we chatted for a while before I went home.
Furthermore, my presentation has allowed me to self-evaluate myself and has helped me understand my strengths and
¬When considering what my own personal philosophy of counseling would be, it was eye opening to consider who I was a person and how much I have grown. The self analysis was new to me because I never thought about how I do that on a day to day basis. Reviewing the questions I found that a lot of my focus surrounded family, my significant other, and close friends. Constantly living in a diverse population and having that as my surrounding also made its mark in my answers. I also noted that both past and present influences, but primarily the present, play a large role in my own perspective. By following the prompt, I was made to understand that my thought process makes me think of what is occurring in the present and how I can alter these happenings to help shape the future that I want.
HS 43 Term Paper 4 Core functions of a Substance Abuse Counselor By Roslyn Smith Introduction This paper will discuss the following 4 Core Functions of a Counselor: Case Management, Client Education, Crisis Intervention, Referral and their primary purposes. Discussion Case Management According to IC & RC, Case Management is defined as, “activities intended to bring services, agencies, resources, or people together within a planned framework of action toward the achievement of established goals.
Also, continually seek feedback from my preceptor has been crucial. Learning from my previous experiences, I have realized that a balance of ongoing constructive, and appreciative feedback has a very positive impact on both my learning, and confidence level. Therefore, during my first meeting with my preceptor, I discussed how important her feedback is to me, which has ensured that throughout my preceptorship I have received detailed, and timely
In turn, I benefited from further improving my ability to work as part of a team of professionals and I gained immense confidence practicing medicine in an evidence-based environment.
there will be good days and bad days and the counselor must be careful not to allow the emotions of helping others become the main objective in
In order to help client to felt at ease, I attempted to establish a safe atmosphere for client to disclose his issues and also to develop a sense of trust between us by conveying a non-judgmental and non-critical attitude. I use open questions, to invite client to elaborate on information. At the beginning of the session, I manage to use open question to explore more about client issue. Client presenting problem will be financial
...ership skills and helped me acquire organizational and time management skills, a key combination for success at the graduate level.
The counseling session began with the introductions where I introduced myself as the counselor and later introduced my client. This stage is important in any counseling session since it is the time of exploration and focusing according to Gerard Egan as quoted by Wright (1998) in his essay on couselling skills. It is in this session that I was able to establish rapport and trust with my client in order to come up with a working and fruitful relationship with him. During this stage I made use of skills like questioning, where I would pose a question directly to my client, sometimes I would choose to just listen to what the client wanted to speak out while in some instances I would be forced to paraphrase the question if I felt the client did not understand the question I had asked previously. There were also other times when I would reflect through silence. During such a period, I got time to study the client and the information he had given. This being a difficult area, since some clients may not be able to volunteer information to you as the counselor, I decided to assure the client of confidentiality of any information he was willing to share with me with a few exceptions which I also told him about. Being open to him about the only times the information may not be confidential was part of my building rapport and establishing trust with him. I therefore, decided to ask the client what information he wanted to share with me and lucky enough he was ready to speak to me about different issues that he was going through.
Getting to know your client will only help you to better know how you can help them, and
...covered skills I never knew I had. So, besides learning something about other cultures, you also learn a lot about yourself.
This stood out to me for a variety of reasons. Empathizing with the idea that a client may seek feedback and advice from the counselor, I was confused and disagreed that a counselor should refrain from such actions. This initially did not sit with me well because I am a naturally indecisive person and when faced with a difficult decision, I will seek the counsel of others. I appreciate the wisdom, perspective, and insight they have on a situation. It often frustrates me when people will not outrightly tell me what they think I should do or what they would do in my situation.