Textual Analysis Restaurant

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I went to a Perkins restaurant located in Sartell, Minnesota. It is located just off of the highway, but not far enough in town that it gets a lot of local business. Therefore, the restaurant was not very busy when we visited on a Saturday Night. There were around half a dozen families sitting together and one unruly group of teenagers who came in later. The restaurant also felt very private as the tables were divided into two separate sections by walls, and the booths were high enough that you couldn’t see the other customers in the booths. The restaurant had many symbols of commerce, such as the cash register that provided for a place for transactions to take place at. Another symbol was the prices on the menus, which reminds customers of …show more content…

I'm sure a lot of the questions she asked us were scripted, and just questions she asked everyone who came in to make sure she served everyone equally. Two examples of coded language I noticed in the waitresses’s interactions was the question of “Is everything tasting okay” which was code for her asking us if we needed anything else with our meal. She also commented towards the end that she “would be right back with the check,” which was code for her asking us to politely finish up. A lot of the scripted responses seem to help the employees ensure they are asking everyone everything they need, and making sure every customer is treated appropriately with respect. The first coded statement allows customers to ask for anything they may need after they’ve already ordered and started eating, while the second one is a gentle reminder that the employees are looking to clear off the table for other customers. I didn’t expect to be able to find any examples of coded language, but I was surprised at how easy they were to find when I knew what I was looking

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