Teaching Styles in Physical Education

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When you become a teacher of any subject you use different styles of teachings that reflect you as a teacher and the lesson you are trying to teach. Sometimes it can be difficult to find what styles may work best in different situations. When teaching physical education the most helpful and beneficial styles are indirect, direct, and interactive teaching. These teaching styles are critical when trying to teach physical education because they are proven to be effective. These styles will help make you an effective teacher because of the way they allow you to control and manage the information being taught. When teaching physical education these styles when incorporate to your class make you a more affective teacher. These three styles allow you to accomplish different things in your class room and different types of teaching methods. These styles are important to not only know but to master, so you as a teacher can be effective.

Indirect teaching brings the class together and allows students to learn from each other and share knowledge as they learn. Indirect teaching by definition relies “instruction seeks a high level of student involvement in observing, investigating, drawing inferences from data, or forming hypotheses. It takes advantage of students' interest and curiosity, often encouraging them to generate alternatives or solve problems”(5). This kind of teaching strategy allows you to build a community in your class room by having your students speak and communicate to not only you but to other students. In physical education you may not be doing group projects or anything like that, but you can have group discussions because you will have students who know more about an activity or sport then others. Because ...

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...ng styles but to be able to master them so we can become better teachers. These styles when incorporated in your lesson make you a better teacher and allow for a successful classroom.


Dyke, K.. N.p.. Web. 23 Mar 2014. (1).




(5) (n.d.). Retrieved from http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/de/pd/instr/indirect.html

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