Success And Success: The Wrong Path Of Success

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Success is more than economic gains, titles, and degrees. So it only those with a success mindset that have the great opportunity of leading the world. Of all that God has created man is the only living being that has the power of domination and dreams. Man has lived they life hoping and dreaming for position and power, our ability to understand the true measures and path of achieving this great dream of man lie the ability of us leading the world so therefore Life is controlled by different measures of people, this people are people who takes chances and think of the possibility that they could be what they are today. Living in this world are two major classes of persons and this have subjected everything in this life to be classified into two major classes, the good and the bad, male and female, leaders and follower, rich …show more content…

- Those that chose the wrong path of life and succeed.
Subjecting also to those who do not take chances are......
-Those that chose the right path of life and fail.
-Those that chose the wrong path of life and fail.
-Those that chose right path of life and then the wrong path of life and fail.

Taking a good analysis view of this, you will find out that they are two major things, success and failure which is the two major things people so much fear in life. I shall be discussing this major group of persons in few lines of this chapter.
To excel in life is the major centers life dreams of man and they mission in life, so both immortal and mortal beings dreams and hope to excel in life, but the major path way to success is taking chances which makes it more possible that those who chose the wrong path of life and succeed are those who find it encouraging to take chances. Just like always said a dream should not run a man but man should run his dream and everybody has a dream so the wrong person who take chances never allows they dreams to run them but they run they

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