Definition Essay Failure

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Failure is a word that many take for granted. Failure is the catalyst, it can either motivate a person or it can drain any and all motivation a person has; ultimately, failure’s effect is up to the individual. It seems to be a reoccurring factor for this generation of 2016 and the up and coming generations. The misconceptions surrounding failure is that once it is experienced it, its rock bottom and there is no return, which is a perception that is completely flawed. The harsh reality of failure is that it takes failure to know failure. We idolize a person that can “escape” the severe lashings of failure, but in reality they are probably hiding that they have at least failed one or more times in their life. However I believe failure …show more content…

The fear of being disowned by family or treated as an outcast has many running and drowning in desperate anxiety to fulfill expectations. Society as a whole has varying definitions of failure. One: the liberal perception that failure is necessary and is often taken for granted in behavior, having the view to pick ourselves up is never learned and then continue on the same road, which consists of constant lack of motivation and striving toward goals. Two: the conservative view has people wrenching young to old, dodging with every ounce of their being the physical annihilation of failure, even the whisper of the word failure is given the death stare. Three, the in-between, where failure is taken in both the liberal and …show more content…

The definition of the word changes according to the individuals and cultures. It cannot be mistaken, that failure is a necessary part of life, and it is a negative to the positive experiences; which shapes who we are. If failure is taken out of everyday lives, growth would be admissible and nonexistent. It’s necessary for the growth in who we

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