Subordinate And Subordinate Case Study

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Due to recent advancement in science and technology, there has been a rapid increase in business competition and therefore, organizations requires input from their employees and often it becomes the reason for a conflict between a subordinate and the supervisor. Inside a business, the relationship between the subordinates and the supervisors are always been considered critical and very important. Good interpersonal skills guide the successful future of subordinates. Confrontation between the subordinate and the reporting manager usually leads to devastating results. The term challenge refers to participate in a competitive situation to decide who is superior in terms of capability and power, whereas the term stand down refers to quitting and …show more content…

Dee II professor of Organisational Behaviour at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University and Paul Falcone is the vice president of Human Resources at Time Warner table. Both the experts generally agree that Tom should not challenge his boss. However, the solutions of these two experts are different. While Pfeffer advises Tom to apologize to Frank and try to protect his corporate future, Falcone claims that Tom should follow his mind if he believes he is right and he also advised a few steps to solve this problem. Pfeffer states that Tom should apologize to his boss, since he has challenged his position in public which was very insulting for his boss. Therefore, instead of arguing with him publically he should have tried to gain his confidence. Since he was already informed about Frank’s aggressive nature, therefore despite assuming that his boss would change his mind, he should have worked harder to achieve what his boss has expected from him. On the other hand, Falcone argues that Tom should follow his mind if he believes that he is right, but it does not mean that he has the only option to go over Frank’s

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