The Reframing Organizations By Lee B. Bolman And Terrence E. Deal

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Managers know the importance of having positive relationships with their employees. It boosts the company’s goals while the lack of any relationship with the workers may lead to losses in the business. Most managers rarely know that they are looked up to by many employees and, as such, should be careful with the actions they take. Lee b. Bolman & Terrence E. Deal, the authors of the book The Reframing Organizations, point out that the kind of measures taken in the business influences the employees acts and thoughts. In particular, this book gives insight to managers on how to relate to their subordinates. The discussion is carried out on the three parts of the book that highlight the missteps taken by managers as they try to improve their businesses. Reframing Organizations is based on the belief that this kind of empowerment is critical for individual and organizational success. A relationship with …show more content…

The workplace is a very sensitive place, especially in businesses. The workers need to be motivated by their bosses to do work properly. Otherwise, they get demoralized. The managers should not be harsh in correcting mistakes since mistakes are bound to happen in any scenario. The manager should have a democratic way of communicating with the employees, this way they become free and the job environment becomes conducive. It is evident in job-friendly environments that jobs are well done and profits increase. Further on, the manager’s actions can demoralize the workforce that could put the business in danger. The use of emails and social media should be taken care of to reduce the number of cases of carelessly sent emails in the office that are keen to harm relationships. The small aspects the managers do such as complimenting and giving feedback to the employees are what define how workers will view the

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