Dillard’s Management Dissatisfaction Standard

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Dillard’s is an excellent example of what can go wrong when a management model from yesteryear is applied to modern day advancement and technologies. They are not growing with consumer desires or employee needs, and they are becoming an outdated brand. Instead of stressing satisfaction rates, they stress the bottom line profits. While this formula has made the company successful and allowed national growth at the turn of the century, it is also dropping employee morale, which is known to drive down customer attraction and satisfaction rates. Management is the basis of how any given organization operates and how each activity preformed is organized that makes each day possible and profitable for the overall good of the company. Power and responsibility levels are ranked amongst each individuals own skill set, education, and experience level in an organization. Management has many levels depending on each individual company and its size. This can consist of several people answering to one main head of operations, or thousands upon thousands answering to several different tiers of management (Bauer & Erdogan, 2012). Occasionally, management strife and issues will occur because basic human nature instinct calls for disagreements and social interferences. However, it depends on the upper level of management to deal with problems that occur in a timely and effective manner that benefits all parties involved. There are a number of reasons that management discrepancies may occur, with the leading being various attitude problems. If team members feel underappreciated or taken advantage of they will show their disgruntled feelings, and it can cause serious issues if not handled immediately. The second are communication issues, ... ... middle of paper ... ...July). America’s Worst Companies to Work For. Retrieved from 24/7 Wall St.: http://247wallst.com/special-report/2013/07/19/americas-worst-companies-to-work-for-2/2/ Robertson, K. (2005). Retail Leadership Ideas . Retrieved from The Robertson Training Group: http://www.fearless-selling.ca/downloads/Motivate%20Your%20Retail%20Team.pdf Segel, R. (2012, May). Recommended Article: A Guide to Motivating Employees. Retrieved from Rick Segel and Associates: http://www.ricksegel.com/blog/bid/75171/Recommended-Article-A-Guide-to-Motivating-Employees Various Employees at Dillard's. (2014, Febuary). Dillard's. Retrieved from GlassDoor: http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Dillard-s-Reviews-E202.htm Worley, D. L. (2013, April). Dillard's Inc. Definitive Proxy Statement. Retrieved from Investor: http://investor.shareholder.com/dillards/secfiling.cfm?filingID=1047469-13-4033&CIK=28917

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