Educational Pension Benefits and Conflict Management

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Educational Pension Benefits Although there is a plethora of possible sources of conflict in any workplace, the ones in this case are rather explicit. These include personal differences, Informal deficiencies’, role incompatibility, environment stress, perceptions, and expectations. Personal differences could be related to personal values, physiognomies, family bonds or ties, and material belongings. Moreover, job performance, education, knowledge, and training tend to mold each individual in a distinctive way and unfortunately, some personalities just do not mix. For instance, it is obvious that some of the senior partners just did not agree with Mike Roth’s personality and aggressive nature, which caused a colossal clash within the firm. Informal deficiencies occur when there is some sort of break down in communications in regards to any type of workplace environment. For instance, Dan Richardson and the senior partners of Educational Pension Investments (EPI) had a different vision on which company they should invest with as compared to Roth’s ideas. Roth wanted the company to invest in new technology trends, which infuriated the senior members of EPI because of their antiquated conservative approach to business. Role incompatibility happens when you have two or more individuals that simply do not see eye to eye on any phase of the project. For example, Mike Roth’s inability to stay at any one workplace for an extended period in regards to a workplace incompatibility or personal conflict. Environmental stress is another issue in any workplace because it affects our overall job performance. These stressors can include problems at home, work place friction with another employee, and health issues. Although some s... ... middle of paper ... ...he who, what, where, why and when methodologies of conducting reprimands, redirects and reinforcement of motivation. Chapter 7 showed me how to manage any type of conflict within the workplace regardless of the situation in an expedient, safe, and effective manner. I also enjoyed learning more about conflict management, strategies used in handling conflicts, and the relationship between each level of conflicts and organizational outcomes. References Business Collaboration Network (2011). Mindtools (2011). Whetten, D. A., & Cameron, K. S. (2011). Developing Management Skills (eighth Ed.) [E-Text]. Retrieved from

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