Strength Finder 2.0 Assessment

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According to author Tom Rath, the key to success is to be able to support your strengths while in the workplace and not focus so much on trying to fix your weaknesses. Strengths Finder 2.0 is assessment that argues the answer to human development is structured on what people are. After completing strength finders 2.0 online assessment you will be presented with your strengths discovery and planner guide which are formed off of your results. I myself have participated in the strength finders 2.0 assessment. The test itself was a bit entertaining because I was asked questions that I never really thought about. Mt five themes that were listed in my results was relator, focus, belief, harmony, and discipline.    My signature theme that I use the most in my everyday life is belief. I've been through many hardships and life changing situations throughout my life. However, I don’t let any of those events break me, I let them make me because I believe no matter what I can make it through anything. I just feel that as long as you believe you'll always have hope. That’s why I was a little shocked by my top theme which was relator. Don’t get me wrong I have good people skills and love to enjoy someone's company. For example, …show more content…

The theme I need to work on is harmony because it was the last talent out of my five strengths. While reading my Gallup report I noticed that it describe each talent in depth. For the most part harmony explained me like when it stated I can be eager to share my practical insights with certain types of people, especially those who are at odds or don't agree. Despite that obviously there are things I need to fix if it was the last talent. While reading I see that I need to reduce the possibility of conflict, and may consider everyone’s point of view. This is something I don’t do often so its something I need to improve on after reading the description of the harmony

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