Should Cell Phones Be Recognized In School?

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Should a cell phone be recognized in school? Should teachers encourage cell phones in there activities. Cell phones have been the main source of communication or entertainment for people for many years. It seems like there everywhere now. Now schools are starting to let students use there phones in there class now that they are so popular. Educators think that if student can use there phone in class the student can learn more in there class instead of letting them on a school laptop.

A recent college study "95% of students bring their phones to class every day, 92% use their phones to text message during class time, and 10% admit they have texted during an exam on at least one occasion". 95% of students owned cellphones, and while 62% owned smartphones and 38% owned feature phones, 88% of respondents communicated via SMS text. In an effort to meet and teach students where they are and through the communication mediums they prefer, some educators have smart device technologies and strategies in my classroom. The approach has allowed me to model transactive thinking and learning, employ brain based learning practices, better engage my students, and reduce textbook costs. …show more content…

Cell Phones are good for education for many reasons. First you can use cell phones for research purposes. Although most schools have at least 1 computer in the classroom and a computer lab, sometimes this still isn't enough. It can also be expensive to provide a computer to each student at school, so a good option is to use cell phones for research instead. Next, apps are good for education because, students can always use the app at any moment. Some people think that some apps are bad and kids will get distracted and use them in class. And the truth is that cell phones have many educational apps as

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