Psychology Presentation Reflection

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Presentation 3

The third presentation was the most difficult of the all three. The presentation supposed to be a 10 minutes persuasive speech with a Power Point visuals and printed Speech Outline. The topic again was meant to refer to our field of study and it was extremely difficult to find. We were not allowed to discuss anything controversial, thus any of arguable and exciting ideas were out of reach.

Subject of the presentation

I find most of the issues in psychology which interest me quite controversial, as they refer to our mental health, our subjective well-being, or discuss topic which are not the subject of the public discussion. As a psychologist, and in accordance with an ethics code, I am obliged not to be judgemental in any …show more content…

Although, I did know from my very own experience that the perception of psychologists in society is rather negative I could not base my reasoning on my personal feelings only. To my surprise I found a lot of studies showing that my concerns and point of view were not alienated from others' opinion. In my presentation I referred not only to the surveys quoted by media (Guardian, BBC, Huffington Post, etc), but also to institutional and academic research. I feel I was well prepared and that my presentation was designed and delivered efficiently. After necessary research and reading I structured the plan of my presentation and arguments supporting my thesis (that stigmatizing of mental illness shall be stopped). I prepared the written content, but also spend an additional time to design my presentation in a visually attractive way. I replaced the plain text with some pictures, graphs and tables. I felt well prepared and I was satisfied with my …show more content…

As I mentioned earlier, I am not a huge fan of electronic means of communication and I prefer the direct interactions. Despite this difficulty, I found it well prepared and structured. It gives a brief insight in communication and basic information about public speaking and delivering the information to the audience. It is unfortunate however, that the course on public speaking do not learn the students any skills on how to train your focus, your attention, how to raise and control your voice, how to deal with the stress, how to break through our own personal barriers which interfere with the successful delivery of the presentation. I do not feel that I need much more work to be at least good in doing my presentations, but there were students left on their own with some issues which were not addressed. Assessing presentation skills without really learning them seems to be a little bit unfair. At least to the students which has more problems with memory, language, or public appearances. I believe that it could be helpful to them if they would attend a regular course, and had more contact with the class and the lecturer. Additional rehearsing and training also could be useful. In general however, the course was good and served its goal. It introduced the basics of public speaking and presented some

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