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Different types of behavior in plagiarism
Cause and effect of plagiarism
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Recommended: Different types of behavior in plagiarism
If anything is held to the highest value in any array of schools, it is a policy against plagiarism. Academics understand the severity that plagiarism can hold, especially since many of them tend to do it to each other. In 2005, Melissa Elias, who was at the time the President of the Madison School Board, gave a commencement speech that had several sections that were plagiarized from a speech Anna Quindlen, a Pulitzer Prize winner author, had given to Mount Holyoke in 1999. Kaavya Viswanathan, a Harvard University Sophomore, had published a book with several portions of copied from works of four different authors. Individuals held at high academic expectations committed both of these incidents, one being the president of a school and the other being a student of an Ivy League University. However, despite their valor in academia they both plagiarized, the only difference being that Viswanathan was getting royalties for her act of plagiarism. One has to question whether there really is a difference between these two cases, because both individuals clearly intentionally plagiarized. When handling cases of plagiarism one has to be extremely cautious due to the various degrees of plagiarism that depend on the individual’s intentionality and regards to profit.
There is no accusation of plagiarism for some forums of writing until there is an opportunity of profit. J. K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, accused Steven Vander Ark, a diehard Harry Potter fan, of plagiarism after a publishing company approached him to make his free online Harry Potter lexicon into a book. An article by David B. Caruso, in USA Today, covers the account of the beginnings of the lawsuit. According to Caruso before Vander Ark was accused, Rowli...
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... of profit through her plagiarism; and Melissa Elias can relate to Steven Vander Ark because although she plagiarized someone else’s speech she had virtually no personal gain from the speech. Regardless of the spectrum of severity to plagiarism that by no means justifies the act of stealing another’s idea. The one thing that makes every living thing on this planet unique is the originality of each organism and that originality should embody the mark they leave behind.
Works Cited
Caruso, David B.. "Harry Potter case illustrates blurry line in copyright law - USATODAY.com." USATODAY.com. USA TODAY, 20 Apr. 2008. Web. 15 Feb. 2014.
Gladwell, Malcolm. "Something Borrowed." The New Yorker.com. The New Yorker, 22 Nov. 2004. Web. 15 Feb. 2014.
Widdicombe, Lizzie. "The Plagiarist’s Tale." The New Yorker.com. The New Yorker, 13 Feb. 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2014.
“The plagiarists Tale” is an article about Quentin Rowan a man that went by the pen name Q. R. Markham. He wrote “assassin of secrets” a spy novel, after the publication of the novel James Bond fans found many similarities between the two. After further investigation results showed Quentin has plagiarized using many different novels as example. After word got out to the public the publishing company was infuriated and instantly took the novel off bookstore shelves. He said “I wish I could do it all over” he regretted everything he did. Quentin faced his consequences and is currently having a problem finding work.
The case under review occurred in the city of Newton against a backdrop of economic decline, political disenchantment, and a widening racial divide. A Newton High School senior,Sheila Allison, is accused by her teacher of plagiarizing a book review. Mrs. Durnitz, the teacher, reported to the school principal that Sheila admitted to taking material from the web but claimed she did not know that doing so constituted plagiarism. The district’s policy states that students found guilty of plagiarism must receive a failing grade and repeat the course. Mrs. Durnitz feels that Sheila, having a copy of the student handbook in which plagiarism is discussed, should have known that what she did violated the policy. The teacher also believes that the policy, drafted by the teachers who teach honors classes and approved by the administration, must be followed to the letter despite any extenuating circumstances.
According to the Merriam-Webster, the definition of plagiarism is “the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person”. (“Plagiarism”). In both Colleges, the act of committing plagiarism has penalties, and it is a serious issue that goes against the Academic Honesty policies of both institutions; The two Colleges, as recently mentioned, have some similarities and differences in their policies, where George Brown has a stronger focus on giving information on avoiding plagiarism, Seneca has more severe punishment for committing plagiarism.
They show their view of plagiarism clearly in their documents through the use of terms such as “without hesitation” and “will not be tolerated” (Student code of conduct and discipline, 2015, p. 6; 9. Academic Honesty, n.d.). Many college students try to find out the ways how to avoid being accused of committing a serious academic offence as much as they can. Putting their own name on someone else’s works and getting good grades, some of them might succeed cleverly, but it is nothing but dishonesty. Both colleges warn students the consequences of plagiarism strongly, saying it can bring negative
The book, Other People’s Words: What Plagiarism Is and How to Avoid it, has taught me many things about plagiarism. Some of the things this book taught me are the definition and some ways to avoid plagiarism.
It is absolutely clear that you feel sad when somebody cheated and duplicate your own things. This causes many people to feel frustration and getting upset when they are facing this difficult situation. We know it is not a good attitude for students, authors, and anyone else to use something misappropriate that they didn’t belong it. I read an article that called “When the Story Stolen is Your Own”. When the author Sherman Alexie was writing this article, he was feeling nervous because somebody has stolen his article and use it in his own. Nobody didn’t believe him when he told the publisher that his story was stolen by someone and imitate that he belong it. Same as the students when they cheated each other and submit the same paper, it was one of the biggest challenge that happens some of the students when they are in the college.
Perkins George, Barbara. The American Tradition in Literature, 12th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2009. Print
When I think of plagiarism, I imagine a person literally stealing from another individual. The term plagiarism is derived from the Latin word plagi rius, which essentially represents the felony of kidnapping. An individual who kidnaps anothers work is a felon. Obviously, this form of larceny is not as immoral as the form for which one can be imprisoned; however, most educators and honest students view plagiarism in this manner. Within education I conceive that there are two kinds of plagiarism: copying a paper word-for-word and not providing the correct recognition to the original author when utilizing their composition. I believe that each situation of plagiarism should be considered serious enough to investigate in order to determine an appropriate consequence. If an individual is not clear on how to cite works properly within the context of an essay, then the omission should be determined non-intentional and, therefore, not subject to punishment. However, if someone deliberately duplicates somebody elses work, then he or she should be reprimanded. This form of pilfering usually occurs in the higher levels of education, as in high school or college.
New York Times journalist, Trip Gabriel, puts into perspective students ability to use their creativity throughout their academic career in “Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age.” This article discusses issues of plagiarism in the digital age, especially through college students. There are different perspectives from various people either attending college or professors that argue why plagiarism occurs. Whether it’s because of laziness, unpreparedness going into college, originality, or authorship not taken into consideration. Overall, this article infers the different standpoints of plagiarism, demonstrating the ease the digital age gives students to plagiarize, and the importance
So, there in lies the crux of the matter. Almost every article I read, mentioned the importance of intent. Did the writers style of writing lead him in the direction to naturally produce the work or did the writer intentionally pass off someone else’s work as their own. In the above mentioned case, J. K. Rowlings stated Harry came to her fully formed. She did not willing use the other authors ideas. In the news media pointing the finger of plagiarism at a journalist can set off an event similar to the Salem Witch trials. Plagiarism is taken very seriously in the news media. After all, credibility is at stake, not to mention ratings as well.
...own its scholars. Plagiarism has become so widespread and tolerated, that it is almost too much work to eradicate. The result is sending a message to students that plagiarism is an issue of cleverness (who can avoid being caught) rather than morality. For this, I am saddened that higher standards of thought and morality are not enforced for the good of the scholar and society.
Have you ever known someone who plagiarized, either unknowingly or intentionally? Have you? It is very to plagiarize, today in a world of technology. Sadly enough, many people don't even know what it truly is, which can sometimes lead to plagiarizing without knowing it. There are many different ways to plagiarize, but all are wrong and unjust. Whether someone does it unintentionally or deliberately, plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism should be corrected, fixed, and deleted before any damage is done.
Plagiarism, or the unaccredited use of another's work or ideas, has become more and more of a problem in recent times than it was in the past. According to statistics found in a survey conducted by the Free Press, 58% of high school students let someone copy their work in 1969, but by 1989 this number had risen to 97%. The expansion of the World Wide Web and the number of people accessing the Web on a regular basis has caused an epidemic of plagiarism in this country, especially among students. This is a serious problem that must be addressed because many students feel that if they are not getting in trouble for cheating, than it is okay.
UMUC’s Policy 150.25 - Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism states what is expected of students to uphold academic integrity. It lists plagiarism as its top reason for a charge of academic dishonesty. It also describes the procedures for handling the charge of plagiarism. Plagiarism is serious offense on the academia level but does not have official law stature. On the other hand you have Copyright law in which penalties for infringement include civil and criminal penalties.
Plagiarism is a very serious subject to talk about. It doesn’t sound like it is that big of a deal but very serious things can come out of it. Students could lose scholarships and get kicked out of school for something as simple as copying someone else’s work. Students should learn the rules and regulations of the school ,that they are attending, about plagiarism.[1] That’s basically what plagiarism is; copying someone else’s work.