Characteristics Of Plagiarism

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Today we face a serious problem which is Plagiarism and modern pirates. Plagiarism is the perform of occupying other’s ideas or work and showing the work off as one's own. The critical consequences of plagiarism of ideas and words are known by anyone with an academic background. Plagiarism is deemed academic misconduct and a violation of journalist ethics. The version of Teddi Fishman’s plagiarism’s definition is being abbreviated, modified by B. Gipp definition, which referred to five characteristics of plagiarism. According to T. Fishman, plagiarisms exist when someone: 1. Uses work products, words, or ideas 2. Attribute of another unknown source or person 3. Without referring to the work to the origin from which it was taken 4. In a case …show more content…

Interweaving various sources together in the work without citing. 6. Citing some, but not all passages that should be cited. 7. Melding together cited and incited sections of the piece. 8. Providing proper citations, but fails to change the wording and structure of the borrowed ideas enough. 9. Inaccurately citing the source. 10. Relying too heavily on other's work and failing to bring original thoughts into the one’s text. In journalism, plagiarism is and will be seen as the violation of ethics of journalistic, and reporters were caught plagiarizing face strict measures that range from suspension to employment’s termination. Some individuals were caught plagiarizing in journalistic or academic contexts alleging that they plagiarized without intention, by failing to give the appropriate citation or to include the quotation. While plagiarism in journalism and scholarship has a massive history, the Internet development, that appears articles as electronic text, has eased the act of plagiarizing or copying the work of others.[4] Since journalism depends on the public or readers trust, the failure of the reporter to honestly uncover their sources undermines its credibility and undercuts the newspapers or television news shows. The accusation of plagiarism on journalists is often suspended from their jobs, reporting tasks, while news organization investigating the charges on

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