Plagiarism Essay

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Different Types of Plagiarism The better educated you are, the better off you are socially, and economically. Having a degree is, in general, a good indicator of your level of education. To get it some students study very hard. Others, on the contrary, prefer to take some shortcuts that seem to be easier for them. Those, not so much interested in acquiring a solid education, simply want to plagiarize to pass their classes, to get that degree. Plagiarism spreads out through any level of our education system. It even extends beyond that limit to reach almost any aspect of our society. With the internet revolution, this problem becomes more acute. “The web has provided global access to an unfathomable cornucopia of term papers, essays, and other scholarly works, right there out in the open for purchase or outright theft” (Simonson, Smaldino, & Zvacek, 2015, p. 160). This paper will discuss the different types of plagiarism. Before getting deeper into that discussion, we will start by explaining the word plagiarism. …show more content…

Etymologically, the word plagiarism comes from Latin “plagiare” meaning to “kidnap” (Das, and Panjabi, 2011). The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines plagiarize as: “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without crediting the source” (“Plagiarize,” n.d.). Essentially it is a dishonest act consisting in wrongly appropriate what is not yours (“What Is Plagiarism?,” n.d.). Those nuances in its definition may explain the different types of plagiarism. The number of kinds of plagiarism varies from textbook or site. For this paper, we will be limited to the study of four common types of plagiarism as suggested by Bowdoin College. We will start with direct

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