Pinterest Essay

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One of the fastest growing website on internet, Pinterest have quite become a buzz in being used as a marketing and productive tool. As quoted by the CEO Ben Silbermann, " Pinterest is a tool that helps people find inspiration". True. "A picture is worth a thousand words". And the Stats say it all. Pinterest currently has 20 million monthly active users (70 million registered users) with more than 50 million unique visitors per month. The traffic increases to a different level with almost 5 million “article pins” per day. Doing an analysis of the users hitting the website it was seen 87% of its users are women. This is just a basic demographic, but knowing what kind of users are their on Pinterest would serve as an advantage for a marketing company. Pinterest is a great way to boost traffic to a website and convert it into sales. Despite the potential business techniques, all the ways aren't effective to the same level. Here are four tips for using Pinterest for …show more content…

•Being Connector -- Don't use your own materials instead re-pin images from others. •Being Showcaser -- Post images from your websites or blogs. 2. Customize your strategy. According to the study conducted by Pinsights, a Pinterest analytics provider, mavens tend to receive the maximum number of clicks and re-pins while showcasers receive the least. But this doesn't mean that showcasers should turn into mavens and start using the images of other people instead they can pin more than just their offerings i.e. Out of all the pins only a certain percentage belongs to your brand 3. Making the most of it. To make most of your time and maximize your reach, integrating Twitter into your social profiles would turn out to be a plus point. So that everytime you pin something you can send out a Tweet at same time. 4. Don't just market your

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