Instagram Essay

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Technology has been and will continue to be an essential part of human life. Information technology is a revolution that has taken the whole world captive. Everyone around the globe is trying either to conform or catch up with the ever changing and improving technologies without having a second thought of its impact on their lives. The internet is the ground-breaking invention of the twenty first century, leading to the mushrooming of the social media and other communication platforms. The best invention that has captured my interest is the instagram. Its effect and how it has positively impacted on the lives of people, especially the youth cannot be underestimated. Instagram is improving the quality life. It has unlocked our creativity, enhanced connection and led to faster access to information. Comparing the past with the present, we can argue that information technology has done more good than harm and even as we progress into the future, we ought to adopt better technology because what we currently have may not be good enough.
Instagram is an application used on a mobile phone for the purposes of social networking and sharing photos and videos. Instagram offers its services online and enables people to take pictures …show more content…

It mirrors how we are increasingly becoming an entrepreneurial society each day. Companies nowadays market and promote their products with ease. If you log into instagram you will find posted photos of various products or logos of different brand names. Survey has shown that an approximated 40% of brands use instagram for marketing (social media examiner, 2014).
Nowadays people can access immense amount of readily available information. With Instagram, I can get up to minute news without confining myself to the mainstream long have I have internet connection, I don’t have to switch on the TV, or computer, or buy newspapers; one can get breaking news anywhere anytime through videos and

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