Impact Of Social Media Essay

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Nowadays, social media is growing very rapidly throughout the whole world. Social media has changed the way that we communicate with others through using these common social networking sites like Face book, Twitter, and Instagram…For that, social media has positively and negatively impacted our life. Social media can be used in our days as a very helpful tool for many things in changing any person’s life ant attitude. It has a positive impact on the society level. These media will keep the person socially active and open to all what happened in the world. Sharing the latest news, photos, finding new friends and knowing the culture. Also, it allows for millions to keep in touch with each other and update for all the new technology. And, it helps people who have difficulties in communication with others to be more socialized and stronger and develop more confidence to feel more comfortable, protected and relaxed just sitting behind a screen. “It saved me time and money without ever requiring me to leave the house; it salvaged my social life, allowed me to conduct interviews as a reporter and kept a lifeline open to my far-flung extended family” says Leonard(231). In addition, social media changed the way of living and the working level of many people like organizing vacations and researching for school and university projects. With attributes that may affect the way people interact online, social media open a new ways for many newspapers, magazines to publish their issues online to promote their ideas quickly and to let the people in contact with their news and to make more productivity and make more money. Also, they can listen to any type of music, reads books, story, purchase any product, buy clothe online... ... middle of paper ... ...ately she discovered that he is an older man in age of her grandparent. This situation let them feel isolated and ignored foe social and refused from their family and their real friends and these may create a bad and dangerous behaviors like poor sleep, poor academic results and will increase to drinking, smoking, drogue addiction, and finally to suicide. In the end, social media provide a way of keeping in relations with friends, also allow many companies to reach a large number of costumers and to be more productivity. At the same time, media are changing the ways in which we communicate and interact with others. Social media is a very interesting thing in our life. It was made for the free exchange of lots of information all around the world without boundaries but we have to know well how and why to use these media.

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