The Effects Of Social Media On My Life

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Haylee Sopher
Mr. Olson
Freshman Comp,
3 October, 2016
The Effects of Social Network on My Life Billions of people around the world are using social media every day. The number will continue to grow as social networking industries continue to expand. It’s safe to say that social networking has taken over a great deal in today’s world. It’s crazy to think that just a decade ago, social networks were just being founded. A lot of people didn’t see the point in social networks coming out, such as Facebook and Twitter until a few years later. Nowadays people aren’t able to get themselves off of social media. Whether they are skimming through Facebook, tweeting at a friend on Twitter, ‘instagramming’ their favorite food, video chatting loved ones …show more content…

Much of what we do in our day to day lives involve some sort of technology. With technology on the rise, so is social media. It seems as if every couple months a new social media app or web is launched that takes off like wild fire and becomes the next best thing out. People turn to social networks for many different reasons. Some are on social media to decrease boredom, some are involved with social webs for academic reasons, some are on social networks to keep in touch with friends and family. The list goes on.
As much as I don’t like to admit it, social networks are a big part of my everyday life. The reason being for why I don’t like to admit it is because it has both, positive and negative effects on my life but more so negative. I am involved in majority of the big name social media sites you hear about. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype, Tumblr, I have an account set up with them all. Not only am I involved on these sites but I am active on all of them. Meaning, I update and post to my accounts often. Sometimes too often. I find myself on social media more often than anything else anymore and I hate …show more content…

Being able to download all the apps onto my phone has made it so they are right at my fingertips. Literally. One swipe of the button and I can be sharing a photo with my friends on Facebook within seconds. I’m the type of person who likes to stay up with the latest technology out so of course, I have to have every social media app on my phone. With having such easy access to social media 24/7 I am constantly being distracted. When I’m bored, I turn to social media, when I’m traveling in the car, I’m scrolling through social media, when I’m waiting, I’m on social media. I have found it harder to do my schoolwork now with social networks constantly buzzing on my phone. Social media has become like a necessity in my life. I feel as if I’m missing out on so much if I’m not on

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