Life Before Social Media Essay

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Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Parascope, Snapchat, and Linkedin are all a part of the huge trend taking over the world. Social media had become big about ten years ago and keeps growing. Social media is not in just one or two countries yet it is worldwide; people in almost all countries are liking statuses and posting updates and pictures. It was indicated that 73% of adults online, 73% of teens online, and 72% of young adults online use some sort of social media (Fleck and Johnson-Migalski 135). With social media came many positive and negative effects. People worldwide are addicted to it, spending hours upon hours on the Internet reading about what other people are doing. The United Nations has declared access to the internet to be …show more content…

Most people cannot even remember the time before social media was introduced. Social media has become a big part of our everyday lives and it is hard to think of the world without it now. Nowadays the number of places where the Internet is considered necessary is growing. There are more and more cities implementing public Internet access in zones like parks or squares (Gomez-Almaguer, Acosta-Olivo, Garcia-Quintanilla, and Jaime-Perez 69). Life before social media seemed so much calmer and productive. Nowadays almost everyone has their smartphone in their pocket or sitting on their desk while they are at work. It is so easy to stop your work and grab your phone and look at your Facebook or twitter application and get stuck on it for an …show more content…

Now when people go to bed they stay awake to look at their social media applications on their phones while lying in bed. This can cause sleep deprivation because you are up later reading about other people’s day. The light from the phone also causes your brain to not shut off for the night as easily. It has been suggested that exposure to bright lights at the wrong time of the day can alter circadian rhythm sleep with insomnia and excessive sleepiness (Wolniczak, Cacerer-DelAguila, Palma-Ardiles, Arroyo, Solis-Visscher, Peredes-Yairi, Mego-Antonio, Pernabe-Ortiz 3). Many hours of sleep per week are lost due to social media, which in turn also decreases productivity at

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