Effects Of Social Media On Sleeping Habits

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Social Media and its Effect on our Sleeping Habits Social Media has brought on an epidemic of sleep deprivation to people of all ages. All through the night they wake with the “beeps” and “dings” of new messages. They have been craving the sound of a new message and when it comes, no matter what time of the day (or night), they are quick in responding to whatever and whoever the message may be about. This addiction has been kept in-check but with the cost of a good night’s sleep. Today’s generation has been leaving the thought of sleep behind only to lose valuable relaxation time. Many people “…text, tweet, check messages, and post things right before sleeping” (Addiction). This had been proven to “…reduce melatonin in the brain” (Addiction) thus taking away minute by minute of our precious sleep. We put our phones down when we think necessary and go to sleep only to be awaken again within the next half-an-hour. The fact that we keep our devices on through the night does not help our case. Many people keep their phones, or other devices, on through the night. They use them as alarms or wake up calls but when messages come at night, people “…wake up with the sound of their phones vibrating…” (Sleep) or ringing with a new message in their inbox. Many people say that they sleep lightly because “…the sound of their devices wake them up…” (Thaker) constantly through the night. If there is a message, no matter what time of the night, people have a compulsion towards it and check immediately. “It is almost as if checking messages and posts has become a part of our life today” (Thaker). It is something that has taken over the mind and it is putting a toll on the amount of rest we are actually receiving. Researchers have said that over “f... ... middle of paper ... ...ion hat could bring down your average sleep and that could cost you a lot in the long run. Sleep is a necessity to our body but due to social media we are not getting nearly as much as we should be getting. It has become so bad that we simply cannot go a moment without updating our status or checking other people’s status and because of this we tend to stay up late hours and keep our devices on through the night. We have way too many distractions and our mind is simply not relaxing enough for our bodies to be nice and energized in the morning. We have developed an overpowering need to be “in with the gossip” which has made us sacrifice a necessity. The “rings” and “dings” of a new message have been engraved in our minds in the place of sleep. Social Media has brought an end a good night sleep as we know it. Who knows when the next time you get a good sleep will be.

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