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Advantage of students coming to school earlier
Should school begin later? pros and cons
Why should the school day start later
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Recommended: Advantage of students coming to school earlier
Prof Foster said "Teenagers' body clocks can be delayed between two and four hours and they don't start to function until 10 a.m. or as late as noon”, That means you should be kissing goodbye your first two and a half periods because they are starting schools too early. Starting schools later do have lots of benefits. Did you know that about 20% of Americans say on average they get less than 6 hours of sleep every night? That's right, kids are sleep deprived, Starting schools later can also reduce the risk of car crashes on the way to school, and lastly it can decrease bad health issues and bad behavior. Schools should start later. Children These days are sleep deprived. They need more sleep and going to bed at 12:00 night because of homework …show more content…
Well some parents have already had that happened to there kids Two teens were on their way to Spotsylvania High School at about 7:15 a.m. when the car the older boy was driving ran off and hit a tree (NBC News) This was tragic, and very unfortunate but as Prof. Foster said, "Teenagers' body clocks can be delayed between two and four hours and they don't start to function until 10 a.m. or as late as noon” This means they were probably not fully awake. Also Jackson Hole High School in Wyoming changed their start time to 8:55 a.m., the number of car crashes with teenage drivers dropped by 70%. Thats a lot! It's a good thing that they changed the time! But this is a wake up call to other schools because car crashes are very dangerous and could either kill or injure someone. Although There is alot of evidence to back up why schools should start later, some people may not agree with it. Some may say it will intervean with parents’ work schedules. They might have to go to work 7:30 and kids will go to school at 8:30. Well there is actully advantages for this. It can teach the child responsibility like waking up on time and making their breakfast. When the parent leaves the child will have to wake themselves up and be responsible. This will also help in the long run of things because having responsibilties as a kid mean you are a resonsible adult. So There is a problem and a
Many people argue that starting schools later will let students get more sleep and align with the students sleep cycles. But they do not factor in that students will just stay up later at night because they know that they do not have to get up as early in the morning. This will just leave students with less sleep than before. Also students will be up later finishing homework and socializing on their phones with friends. Although schools will now have been adjusted to fit with students sleep cycles, that does not mean that the students will actually
Every fall teens wake up all groggy and tired because of school starting early. To stop that schools could start later. Why you say because young, growing teens need sleep. And it is proven what growing teens need at least 8 hours a day, they're not getting it. This is why schools should start later.
The alarm beeps again sounding like a fire alarm going off. School starts before 8am. Using your fingers to hold open your eyes and dragging your feet, you get in the car and drive yourself to school. Will you even be able to make it through your day? School days for teens start to early. Teens aren't getting the sleep recommended for a healthy start to their day. Later start times for middle and high schools are proven to benefit both students and teachers.
Based on the article on The National Sleep Foundation, when it's time for school the average teen body still thinks it's the middle of the night.
A normal school day begins between 7:00 and 8:00 (Canapari). A typical wake time for students is 6 A.M. (Canapari). An average teen goes to bed between 10 and 11 (Canapari). This means that an average teen gets on average seven to eight hours of sleep when they need on average 9 ¼ hours of sleep as stated in the above paragraph. One man, Matt Gaetz stated, “The evidence is pretty one sided that high school students don’t have the same cognitive function that they have at eight or nine in the morning.” (Beaton). There are many pros to beginning the school day later. One pro is the reduced risk of teen crashes. The later start time would allow teens to be more alert while driving to school (Pro...
All children need sleep and want sleep during the weekdays and that is very difficult. It has been noticed that older students and younger students, such as third graders and eleventh graders, sleep patterns are very different. In many places it is the same way that middle schools and high school start earlier than elementary schools. The problem is that adolescents stay up at least two and a half hours later than younger children do (Bergin 2).
The first reason why school should start later is because teens need sleep. Most teens don’t or can’t go to sleep to get the needed amount of sleep, so they are more rushed in the morning and stressed throughout the day. According to the national sleep foundation, “59% of sixth graders and 87% of high schoolers aren’t getting the recommended 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep per night. If school started later, they could get the sleep they need and they wouldn’t be as stressed or tired.
Researchers have proven that teenager’s brains don’t start working until ten in the morning, also that an average teenager is supposed to get eight to nine hours of sleep each night. These are a few reasons that school starting times are negatively affecting students learning abilities at school. I believe that schools should have later starting times. An average teenager is supposed to get eight to nine hours of sleep each night, however in reality most teens only get about seven hours. A lack of sleep is causing students to do worse on homework and tests. Our school starts at seven twenty-five, if it started two hours later, then students would be getting the exact amount of sleep that they need each night. A study shows that the brain doesn’t
Starting school later also has a lot of health and academical benefits. Even if the school day starts 30 minutes later, It has proven to show great benefits for teenagers. In the pass Up For Debate: Should School Start Later It says “As a result, students were showing up to school alert and ready to learn and are focused and engaged in lessons.” Some people believe that starting earlier is better because a later start results in a later end to the day. But changing it to a later time will still give kids enough time to sleep and get their work
“Sleep deprivation is epidemic among adolescents, with potentially serious impacts on mental and physical health, safety, and learning. Most teenagers undergo a biological shift to a later sleep-wake up cycle, which can make early school start times particularly challenging.” says Boergers.
Getting up to go to school really early in the morning is more upsetting than having to actually attend school. Almost all high school students would agree that high schools should start later in the morning. Even though high school students should be responsible
Students should start later because kids will have a better attendance and less tardies. According to Changing Times: Findings From the First Longitudinal Study of Later High School Start Times “finding significant benefits such as improved attendance and enrollment rates, less sleeping in class, and less student-reported depression" (Wahistrom 1). This is one example of how late start improves students well-being. School starting later will allow students to be happier and more energized, this will also keep students from being disrespectful to teachers and staff. Students that started school later show that they attend their classes and actually go to school for once.
15% percent of high schools start from at least 8:30 or later and 40% of high schools start before 8:00 a.m. Therefore, school should be later because of adolescent mental strength advancing, adolescent health improving and the safety it a later start time provides for teens.
Don't you hate waking up early for school in the morning? Most high school students wake up before the sun rises just to become ready for school. Teenage brains do not begin to function that early considering many are tired from staying up late the previous night. The National Sleep Foundation reported that most teens do not retain enough shuteye, one study found that only 15% reported sleeping eight 1/2 hours on school nights. That fact was extremely true for me when I attended high school. I barely was able to wake up, get dressed, and be in school on time since I was so tired. In my opinion school days should start later, precisely in between 9- 10 o'clock. If the school day started later attendance would improve, students will be more prepared, and student's attitudes and grades may improve.
Many people are resistant to change, especially if it involves reassembling their plans and procedures to adjust to the new schedule. This is a problem for parents’ work schedules since they most likely will not be able to see their kids in the morning which will leave students unsupervised when they get ready. This is also a problem for transportation since parents will not be able to take their kids to school which might cause traffic and more costs since bus schedules would change too. According to the Sleep Foundation, "If elementary students have the earliest start times, they may be waiting for the bus in the dark early mornings, or waiting at home alone after school." Later start times are thought to solve tardies and absences, but if students cannot get to school, it does not solve anything. A change in the school schedule will result in disorder in many people’s daily routines perhaps having to discard certain activities to fully adjust to the new schedule. The changes caused by a new schedule affects students