Persuasive Essay: Why School Starting Schools Should Start Later?

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Prof Foster said "Teenagers' body clocks can be delayed between two and four hours and they don't start to function until 10 a.m. or as late as noon”, That means you should be kissing goodbye your first two and a half periods because they are starting schools too early. Starting schools later do have lots of benefits. Did you know that about 20% of Americans say on average they get less than 6 hours of sleep every night? That's right, kids are sleep deprived, Starting schools later can also reduce the risk of car crashes on the way to school, and lastly it can decrease bad health issues and bad behavior. Schools should start later. Children These days are sleep deprived. They need more sleep and going to bed at 12:00 night because of homework …show more content…

Well some parents have already had that happened to there kids Two teens were on their way to Spotsylvania High School at about 7:15 a.m. when the car the older boy was driving ran off and hit a tree (NBC News) This was tragic, and very unfortunate but as Prof. Foster said, "Teenagers' body clocks can be delayed between two and four hours and they don't start to function until 10 a.m. or as late as noon” This means they were probably not fully awake. Also Jackson Hole High School in Wyoming changed their start time to 8:55 a.m., the number of car crashes with teenage drivers dropped by 70%. Thats a lot! It's a good thing that they changed the time! But this is a wake up call to other schools because car crashes are very dangerous and could either kill or injure someone. Although There is alot of evidence to back up why schools should start later, some people may not agree with it. Some may say it will intervean with parents’ work schedules. They might have to go to work 7:30 and kids will go to school at 8:30. Well there is actully advantages for this. It can teach the child responsibility like waking up on time and making their breakfast. When the parent leaves the child will have to wake themselves up and be responsible. This will also help in the long run of things because having responsibilties as a kid mean you are a resonsible adult. So There is a problem and a

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