Personal Narrative: My Writing

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Unfortunately, I wouldn’t say that I am one who enjoys writing as a hobby it definitely doesn’t bore me I just enjoy using my imagination while I read therefore if I am writing it would be on a specific topic or certain subject. I preferred to research my topic in-depth so that I may have a full understanding of what I will be writing about, I will be researching and thinking about both my side and if one exists the opposing sides views or arguments. I will then start to write any and all of my ideas and thoughts down, this is usually just a long free write so I usually use 2-3 sheets of paper during this step writing down anything that I want to say about the topic as well as any reliable sources I can refer to. Once I am completely satisfied with all that I have written down I will transfer it over to my computer where I will continue to add to my writing sample as I go this is where I start to …show more content…

This is a crucial step because I may add more information if I find that I ran a little short if my writing needs to meet a certain character amount or condense my writing down to something less winded and more manageable. After this I am usually pretty tired of writing so before I do my last editing I try to rest and take a fresh look at my writings to see if it is to my likings, I will then make sure that it is formatted correctly, error free and ready for review. I don’t think that the writing style I use for essays can really be used on writing assignments that are in class and meant to be completed quickly since I preferred to take a lot of time to plan and edit my work, this can sometimes give me anxiety but it doesn’t last long if I feel that I know enough about the topic to provide a powerful writing sample that is well

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