My Relationship With Writing

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The relationship that I have with writing is hard for me to explain, it’s bitter-sweet for me. I was introduced to writing as child, and I must admit writing was very easy for me to grasp. I recall learning how to write an essay and being successful in doing so. The flipside to me writing is that I don’t like to read, well we all know that reading and writing goes hand and hand together. Approaching my adult life I began to gain a different type of respect for writing, I realized how much I needed to be able to write and the importance of writing. Writing became a form of self-counseling and I learn to appreciate the ability to write my thoughts and feelings for the moment.

English was my favorite subject in school, I always felt like it was common sense. As long as I could comprehend what the lesson is in the reading portion, the rest was very basic. The only downside to me writing is me having to read, if I am not interested in the subject it’s hard for me to stay focus and really understand what I am reading. The lack of wanting to read sometimes won’t allow me to open up to write and make logical sense. I struggle with staying on task at times as well. …show more content…

I used writing to help me retain information. I am not quite sure why but I am most successful when I take notes during the instructor lecture. No joking, when I am testing I can almost see my notes and I can quickly recall what the answers are. Sometimes I won’t even study what I‘ve written but I have a photographic memory of things after I have written them

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