Reflective Essay: My Writing Experience

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Writing for me has always been a love and hate relationship since I could remember. Depending on the subject matter that I was writing about I would enjoy it because it suited my style or I loathed it because that specific style was uninteresting and boring to me. Learning certain writing formats were absolutely the worst part about writing when I first started learning in high school. As time pushed on and I grew older I began to develop an appreciation for writing that I did not have before; which is what led me to taking Writing 101 as my first full-fledged college course. I began this course with minimal writing experience because of what I failed to retain before, but now I am a stronger writer than I could have imagined with new skill sets that enhance my professional portfolio. First of all, facing the facts, …show more content…

Throughout high school I dealt with MLA format which I never truly understood because it was not emphasized on. Now that I am in college, however, it is a completely different story. I’m not going to say that I struggled immensely with APA format, but it did take some getting used to. Instead of freewriting where formats are thrown out the window for idea creation, I had to stick with set rules on how a paper should look and how information should be organized and presented. After a few papers with the grand finale of the “research supported cause/effect essay,” citing sources and notating references seemed much easier. Being able to use different techniques to cite sources will allow my future papers to flow and allow the reader to not be bored to death. Referencing sources properly will keep my papers from being flagged as plagiarized and authors will get their due credit because I know I would not like my work to be claimed as someone else’s. With all of the writing in the future I will need to do for college and my business writing, Writing 101 has ensured a bright start for all of

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