Essay On How To Read Week

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I was in second grade when my english teacher Mrs. Pummill announced that there would be a writing contest. Each month we had a week called Write To Read Week. Write to read week is when we would pick an author, read their books and then write about them. But this week was different from all the rest. At the end of the week five stories that were written would be selected to eat lunch and share our stories with the author. That month the author was Ronda Friend. We spent that week reading every one of her books. Her comical style of writing and creative illustrations intrigued me. She wrote her books based on stories from when she was a little girl on her family's farm called Friendly Acres. As we finished up her books I sat there trying to think of how I was going to be a part of the top five. Mrs. Pummill handed us each a different illustration that we would base our stories over. The picture she gave me was of Ronda holding a worm with her dad by her side fishing. I sat there trying to think of some great story to write. …show more content…

It is my favorite subject, I write when I am bored, I write when I’m mad or upset, and I write for fun. It may sound weird to other people but it is something that I have enjoyed ever since that day in second grade. It might sound cheesy but writing is an escape for me. It is what I turn to when I need to vent or get something off my chest. Thanks to Ronda Friend I realized that writing is something that I really enjoyed doing. It also has helped me grow in writing as I have gotten older. It encouraged me to get involved into writing clubs and competitions. It helped me learn better when it came to writing because I was already interested in the subject. To this day I still enjoy writing. I don’t mind when essays are assigned or when I am told to write. I enjoy thinking about different things to write about and creating a

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