Inter-Professional Education

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In this essay,
Inter-professional education transpires when pupils from dual or more professionals learn about each other’s professions, this will empower operative partnership and advance health outcomes. Before partaking in IPE, pupils should have basic information and skills connected to their own profession. (Clark, 1993)
In session 1 of our strand booklet, we were situated into groups of individuals from certain healthcare sciences. This is an example of Inter-Professional Education, because I educated myself about three different professions which were learning disability nursing, midwifery and children nursing. As a group we discussed what we each did and how similar our professions were, and how significant team working is when certain events and situations take place. As healthcare professions, we need to come together to ensure that individuals in the society are receiving the right care and supervision.
Inter-professional working is a method where associates of different professions or agencies work together to deliver cohesive health and social care for the assistance of service users. Inter-professional working is when …show more content…

One social theory which I am going to discuss is the Belbin theory, he examined whether a collection of smart individuals would make the most operative team. Belbin resolved that the most steadily operative groups were the groups which included individuals with diverse roles. He believed that the key to a successful group are individuals with a different intellectual mindset. Belbin discovered 9 team roles which will contribute to an effective group, he discussed the pros and cons of each of the team roles and he concluded how they each can affect the groups. The 9 team roles Belbin discusses is: plant, resource investigator, co-ordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, implementer, completer finisher, and specialist. (Belbin, M.R.

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