My Writing Experience

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The impact of reading and writing over the years has had a profound impact on me over the years. From elementary school to the present day, my literary skills have had their ups and downs; however, learning from failure has taught me that I can do anything through perseverance and a good work ethic. As we approach the end of our final semester, I cannot help but reflect on the many years of my education in Seaman Schools. From the nurturing years in elementary school to the awkward developing times in middle and high school, there has been one thing I have learned to appreciate: written and textual communication. As a young boy, I was fortunate enough to grow up with books all around me. My grandparents would always buy me books for Christmas, …show more content…

The transition left me behind from the get-go. In third grade, we started having written spelling tests. Differentiating “their”; “there”; and “they’re” was just one of the many examples of the difficulties I had during this time. The situation continued to get worse and eventually I found myself in the special education class for reading and writing. Ashamed, embarrassed: these were just a few words to describe what I felt when I to leave the regular classroom to test with the “special” kids. As a result of the embarrassment, and to make matters worse, I took up cheating in order to pass the new …show more content…

High School: the critical years??????. Intimidated by the new school atmosphere, but also excited for my first year of high school, I took advantage of all of the opportunities that were thrown my way. I fondly remember sitting in Mr. Helfrich’s English class. The class was easy, as I breezed right through the coursework. None of classmates could edit my papers because they were so good. Even Mr. Helfrich complimented me numerous times about how proficient I was at writing. As Sherman Alexie put it, “I refused to fail. I was smart. I was arrogant. I was

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