My Education Scholarship

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What impact would this scholarship have on your education?
In order to understand the tremendous impact this scholarship would have on my education, one must know a little background on where I come from. When I was 3 years old, my parents left their pasts in Bolivia and sacrificed everything to come to America, the land of opportunity, so that I can have a successful future. As a kid, I witnessed the hardships my parents went through to provide a roof to live under and food on the table every day. Some people may call me lucky to have the privilege of growing up in the 2nd richest county in America with such a great education system but, they have no idea the sacrifices and hard work my parents had to endure to get me where I am today. Therefore, …show more content…

By being the first in my family to attend college, I have set a great example for my younger sibling and cousins to follow. It is proof to them that hard work does pay off and through me, they will learn about the importance of knowledge, education, hard work, and effort. This scholarship gives me the fulfillment of knowing that me and my family’s sacrifices were not in vain. This would also provide financial security which would allow me to focus more on my studies and reduce financial stress. Nowadays, I try to ease the financial burden I have brought upon my parents by choosing to continue my post-secondary education by working for 20-25 hours a week at the Air & Space Museum. In return for my parent’s sacrifices, I hope to graduate with a degree in Management and minor in Entrepreneurship by May 2019. With this, I plan to start my own business where I can provide many new jobs to the community. It is true that higher education opens more doors for success, but I couldn’t have done it without the support from my loving family who taught me the importance of hard work and a meaningful education. This scholarship, along with my hard work and determination, will take me further than my parents dreamed of when they first came to this

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