Media Richness Theory Of Workplace Learning

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Workplace learning refers to learning or training undertaken in the workplace (Craig 1996). The field of workplace learning is also known as Training and Development, Human Resource Development, Corporate Training and Work and Learning (Craig, 1996; Piskurich at al., 2000; Driscoll et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2006). The traditional context of learning is experiencing a radical change. Teaching and learning are no longer restricted to classrooms (Wang, Wang, & Shee, 2007). The term e-learning refers to the use of electronic devices for learning, including the delivery of content via electronic media such as Internet, audio or video, interactive TV, etcetera. For the purpose of this study, we define “e-learning” as teaching and learning that …show more content…

Media richness refers to using multiple and most appropriate digital media to present learning content. Media richness theory suggests that the use of multiple media can enrich the communication context and perceived learning. Dennis and Valacich (1999, p. 9) state that “choosing one single medium for any task may prove less effective than choosing a medium or set of media which the groups uses at different times performing the talks, depending on the current communication process (convey or …show more content…

With regard to the level of interaction that takes place between the trainer and trainees, Collins (1995) and Latchem, Mitchell, and Atkinson (1994) find that higher frequency of interaction leads to greater training effectiveness. From this theory the following hypotheses is derived: H4: Media richness is positively related to learning performance 2.5.2 Ease of use Ease of use is defined as ‘‘the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of physical and mental effort’’ Davis (1989, p. 320). According to Lim et al. (2007), the main factor influencing trainees’ learning performance depends on how easy it is to use or to access a site. Easy navigation through the system and clear online help menu as well as instruction help employees to get the information they need easily and quickly H5: Ease of use is positively related to e-learning performance 2.6 E-learning

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