Informative Vs Persuasive Speech

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After watching myself present my informative speech, there were plenty of bad habits that I needed to work on. I constantly said umm as a filler word, and it was plain to see why the audience requested I talked louder and slower. I also realized I used little emotion in my speech, and needed to perform more natural movements. Throughout the few weeks between my informative and persuasive speech, I practiced by speaking to myself and to my roommates. As I watched my persuasive speech video, in my opinion, I did improve on several areas, while others stayed fairly consistent. Reading my classmates comments, it was obvious that they agreed with my observations. I looked back on my informative speech comment sheets, and noticed there was a lot more written down in the areas for improvement on my first speech, and there were more strength comments on my persuasive speech. The audience mentioned I should use more natural movements, better utilizing the stage. The majority of the comment cards asked me to use more passion within my speech. …show more content…

Unfortunately, I also realized I still did not move very much, although it was more than I did in my informative speech. I also still used the filler word um occasionally in my speech which was something I really worked on the last few weeks. I could tell a dramatic difference, but I still did use the word um. I think I captured the audience fairly well, telling them my credentials in the beginning, passing around preventative samples during during the main points, and using my personal story in my conclusion. My main points helped to audience understand the importance of my speech, and went together very well, creating a good flow. If I could change something, I would add more content so my speech was a little

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