What is wellness and why is it important in my life? Wellness can be broadly described as the culmination of actively making multiple choices that will lead oneself to a happier and healthier life. Wellness is not merely being in shape or having an IQ of 130. Rather, wellness is an active process through which we can better many aspects of ourselves. In general, most people wish to be the best version of themselves that they can be, leading to the crucial knowledge that wellness is an important topic for everyone. For someone in a similar situation as myself, there will have been an abundance of personal scrutiny already undertaken. As a freshman in college, I have had to look at many aspects of myself, then decide and plan accordingly to put myself on a path of success. When speaking of the successes I wish to attain, I believe that being a wholly well person is high on my list of priorities. In discussing the aspects of wellness, …show more content…
When thinking about these two completely opposite results I asked myself why? Why did I get the scores that I had? Simply put, they are direct reflections of the number percentage that I scored for myself. I see myself as a very spiritual person, and with that in mind it makes up a great deal of what leads my life choices today. I have the beliefs and morals that I have now because of the spiritual involvement that I strive for. As for my lowest score, there is a perfectly logical explanation as well. While I endeavor to help others and put myself on the line for the benefit of another’s health, I often put my own physical wellness on the back burner. Whether that be properly exercising my body and giving it the nutrition that it needs or giving myself a little more self care, I find myself lacking. Thus, leading me to my final conclusion that something needs to change pertaining to my physical
Myers & Sweeney (2008) states, the wheel of wellness is a model that is gear towards the individual’s well-being in which body, mind, and spirit are linked as one so that the client and professional can live life to the fullest within social and natural norms. In addition, resilience for professionals is to know how to cope and come out of a stressful situation without any kind of remorse. Furthermore, prevention is to prevent disastrous of one’s life. For example, an individual needs to re-evaluate his or her life on a daily basis. According to Venart & Pitcher 2007 [Myers & Sweeney (2005] states, Wellness is an aftermath and a system, a primary aspiration for existing, and a way of life.
Wellness is imperative to a healthy life. Sometimes, people do not really consider what makes up wellness, they simply think of it as being “well”. Wellness may be a state of being “well”, however, it incorporates different areas such as nutrition, health, safety, nurturing, and emotional stability. People must be healthy in all of these areas in order to achieve wellness. This is not an easy task for an adult, but definitely not for children.
The second dimension of wellness is emotional wellness, which has a lot to do with you ability to recognize your own thoughts and feelings and deal with them in a healthy way. There are a lot of ways to do this, such as: understanding and sharing your thoughts and feelings with yourself and those around you, and being confident in your self and the decisions you make. Some well known people who I believe have attained emotional wellness include Ellen DeGeneres and Doctor Phil.
It is not a new concept and there have been tools and interventions developed to promote its importance. Sweeney and Witmer created the Wheel of Wellness which was the first model based on wellness in counseling. Myers and Sweeney continued to make modifications to the wheel and created other models such as the Indivisible Self (IS-Wel). Studies have shown these models and interventions to be successful even with diverse cultures. “Wellness counseling emphasizes strengths as well as personal choices,[sic] and underscores the importance of daily decision making to achieve the goal of an increasingly healthy lifestyle” ( Myers & Sweeney, 2007, p.2). It is the counselor's responsibility to monitor their own wellness so that they can provide invaluable services to their
What it means to be healthy are the ways in which you treat your body positively. This would include emotional, physical, mentally, socially and the foods you consume on a daily basis. In those aspects it would mean to keep your body in good shape, keep yourself emotionally and mentally stable, and having a good relationship with not only the people around you but with yourself. Being healthy to me does not mean that you do not have a disease because, there are people who have diseases but are healthier than some of us who do not have a disease. Being healthy means to give your body the proper nutrition it needs and not stuffing it with processed and unhealthy foods.
Health psychology is a relatively new concept rapidly growing and could be defined as the biological and psychological influences affect ones behaviour also bringing in social influences of health and illness (MacDonald, 2013). Biological determinants consider genetic and biological factors of an illness whereas psychological determinants focus on the psychological factors such as why people behave the way they do when dealing with issues such as anxiety and stress. Models such as the Health Belief Model and Locus of Control were developed in attempt to try and explain psychological issues around a chronic illness such as breast cancer (Ogden, 2012). Sociological factors can cause an enormous amount of pressure for one to behave in a certain way for example gender roles in society and religious considerations when dealing with health beliefs. Health Beliefs can be defined as one’s own perception to their own personal health and illness and health behaviours (Ogden, 2012). There are also theories and models used to explain pain and coping with diagnosis such as Moos and Schaefer (1984) Crisis theory and Shontz (1975) cycle of grief people go through when being diagnosed with a serious illness.
healthy is a major component in ones’ overall wellbeing, more so mentally, but being healthy
Spiritual wellness greatly concerns our connection to God. It involves our attitudes, actions, behaviors, and values. It exists to give purpose and meaning to our lives. It provides the core for all other aspects of wellness. From a Judeo-Christian perspective, spiritual health involves being restored in our relationship with Christ Jesus. This means believing in Him as Savior and accepting His salvation. To take it a step further and be spiritually well, a person needs to live for God every day. One should be continuously submitting themselves to God’s will and living a life like Christ. Spiritual wellness is absolutely essential to our overall health. When a person is spiritually well they can easily define their basic purpose and express the values that they hold dear. The ability to do this contributes to our satisfaction with life. This then leads to our ability to demonstrate spiritual wellness effectively. To exhibit spiritual wellness a person must learn to forgive. When we can give forgiveness to others it provides peace for ...
The fourth category seeks first to understand I scored the lowest with a total of only three. I’m known for not caring for others feelings and just telling you what comes to my mind. I have never been the nice friend, but always the friend who tells you the truth. I really need to work on that because they are a lot of sensitive people in the world. When I get into a disagreement with others I will ignore their viewpoint. I only care if you understand my side of the story, and that’s something I really need to work on. As no one in the world is always right, so I need to take in consideration others viewpoints.
Wellness is defined as “an active life-long process of becoming aware of and making choices to achieve optimal health and a more successful and balanced existence” (Ren et al., 2007). Wellness incorporates the spiritual, emotional and social wellbeing of an individual. When it came to thinking, planning and developing my SMART goal I decided to focus on my physical health as this was an area that I needed to improve the most and would also contribute positively to my spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual and environmental wellbeing aswell. In this reflective essay I will discuss and reflect on this journey. This reflection will include why I decided to focus on this specific SMART goal aswell as how I found the SMART goal journey. I will then discuss my own view on my attitudes for health and wellness and will discuss what a SMART goal is and the importance of them in order to start working towards those goals and to positively change behaviours and habits. This reflection will also include challenges that may be experienced in relation to behaviour change. These may include time management and motivation.
According to the text, wellness is defined as an "integrated and dynamic level of functioning oriented toward maximizing potential, dependent on self-responsibility. " It involves both preventive health behaviors and a shift in thinking and attitude. Wellness is a lifelong promise to oneself of growth and achievement in each of the seven dimensions: emotional, spiritual, physical, occupational, intellectual, environmental, and social. It means a lifetime of ongoing change and always striving toward higher levels of healthy and successful living. This means, ultimately, that one must live a life that caters to each of those dimensions, both individually and collectively.
Healthy living is a change not everyone is willing to do. Even with small replacements in your daily life, you can start to see big changes in how your body starts working. Maintaining a healthy life style can benefit your life in many ways. Being healthy can improve your bodies ability to stand against infections or diseases. It can also aid in giving you more energy, as well as helping you sleep better. Another advantage to keeping a healthy life style is you'll be stronger, and feel better about the way your body feels. Despite the overly expensive food or the pricey monthly bills from the gym you hardly go too, simple steps can assist you in living a long healthy life without the extra effort.
A very good afternoon to the lecturer and my beloved course mates. It really gives me great pleasure to deliver you a talk today on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Now, try asking yourself, have you been on healthy diets? Have you gotten sufficient rest each day? Or even, have you been performing healthy lifestyle by doing sports regularly?
Throughout our healthy brains, healthy bodies course so far, we have learned time and time again about the strong and important relationship between our brains and our bodies. Health and wellness is not one single thing, it is a collection of practices, attitudes and ways of being in the world, which help us cultivate the best form of ourselves. Finding and understanding the ways in which we can best take care of ourselves, and then applying them, gives us the opportunity to improve our physical, cognitive, mental and emotional wellbeing. Embodying our healthiest selves helps not only us, it helps those around us by providing a positive example about how to exist within our own bodies, and exist within the world. Throughout this paper, we will
Personal health is extremely important to everyone around the world. But it is especially important to citizens of the United States of America. Being one of the leading countries in Health technology and also in food and beverage leaves most people choosing between living a healthy lifestyle and indulging in the varieties of food we offer. Across the country, many people are living with pre-existing conditions, living in food deserts, living below the poverty line and a long list of other factors that either hinders them from eating healthy or force them to eat healthily. When trying to live a healthy lifestyle in this country not only does the promotion of prevention matter, but also the promotion of Career and job opportunities matter just as much. In the United States, Money equals Power and money also equal the opportunity to create and live a healthier lifestyle.