I have chosen the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment as well as the Standout Strengths Assessment to analyze and evaluate my leadership capabilities. Many class lectures, materials, discussions and exercises have been vital in my personal analysis. My interactions with my teammates, and inputs from my family members have helped me understand my strengths and shortcomings. Furthermore, I have read a couple of books on leadership, which helped me analyze the results of my assessments. As determined by the MBTI test I have an ESFJ personality [Extroverted Feeling Sensing Judgment]. The Standout Assessment says two of my greatest strengths are Creator and Provider.
“What is true for leaders is, for better or worse, true for each of
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It surprises me when I recollect the reasons I put forth for my dislike of the school. Looking back I feel it needs a lot of sensing and judging for a seven year old to speak one’s mind in the presence of a large audience. As I grew up, I have always strived to maintain the sense of right and wrong. Indeed, I am a responsible and sympathetic person with an ability to impress people. While working with teammates, I engage in meaningful conversations that help me understand their perspectives. I feel it is very important to respect each other’s opinions and enjoy a shared sense of achievement. I prefer to have tasks done ahead of schedule in an organized manner rather than having them done randomly. I am very particular about planning on doing things in advance so as to avoid any mishaps or untoward incidents, which could sabotage the team’s goals. When leading a team, I try to layout a concrete structure with tasks delegated according to the abilities of the team members and set timelines accordingly with enough buffers. Each person’s views are considered before making any concrete conclusions. As demonstrated by the Schackleton video in my class a leader should be very responsible and caring towards his team members. I ensure that my team members are comfortable with me but would prefer to have them under my control so as to achieve better
I was excited to take the Gallup Strengths Finder assessment. Although I am more reserved and shy, I typically find myself placed in leadership positions. I am always surprised when people refer to me as a leader but family members and close friends have made me more aware of this personality characteristic. I really enjoyed taking the Gallup Strength Finder assessment and I can see why this would be an assessment growing in popularity across the globe. When I finished the assessment, my results showed that my strengths, from first to last, are developer, empathy, input, connectedness, and restorative.
Before taking the StrengthsFinder® assessment I didn’t know what type of leader I was, but I felt I had leadership traits that I could not describe. After answering several questions from the Clifton StrengthsFinder® 2.0, I found out my top five strengths. These strengths consist of individualization, arranger, learner, input and responsibility. The purpose of this paper is to go over my top five strengths to talk about which four domains of leadership these strengths fall under, how class material is applied, and the actions to best utilize my strengths.
As a leader candidate, I can understand the challenges and multiplicity of complications that administrators must face each day. However, I will not accept any remote possibility that the students must be affected by some flaws of the school organization. We all as leaders, must be strategic with people, time, and money to guide our students towards an academic success.
Assessment tools can be a good start for individuals to assess their leadership characteristics and skills, such as Grossman and Valiga’s Leadership Characteristcs and Skills Assessment (Grossman and Valiga, 2013). These tools may be helpful but its accuracy is questionable. The assessment can overestimate or underestimate an individual’s skills since it is a self-subjective administered assessment that is biased towards the taker. An overconfident person may perceive their skills highly and an under confident person may have low results.
Upon receiving this project, I immediately began to worry about a survey that would seek to determine how strong of a leader I would be. I cowered at the fact of coming up with either false information or information I felt was less than perfect. I think that this fear alone, confirms my primary style. My primary style is that of Self-Actualization. Self-Actualized individuals seek to always become all that we can with the talents and knowledge we have. We tend to be creative and like to live in the moment. We bring almost a refreshing perspective to most situations and have a continuous intrinsic drive for self-development. I see this style manifested in myself on a daily basis by my strong desire to always meet new challenges. My motivation for success and coming up with new ideas is completely internal, and when the outlook seems grim to others, I am always the one that sees a positive outcome ahead, through the use of a plan. Although, I am currently a stay at home mom, I would imagine that as a manager that worked outside the home, I would share the same values as I do at home. I am a planner and a “lister”, because I feel that in order to tackle a task, the plan of attack must be clearly laid out and readily available to refer to. My backup thinking style is the Achievement style. I think this is very obvious because I seek to find jobs or take on challenges that will allow me to feel a sense of achievement. I have been known to quit jobs that paid a decent amount, but weren’t allowing me to achieve anything. On several jobs before, I’ve ended each day with a feeling of unimportance or frustration because I felt like the majority of my day had been spent working a job that wasn’t fulfilling or impacting the world. I think the fact that I decided to leave the corporate working world to be a stay at home mom, attests to the fact that I want to feel a sense of achievement in the personal raising of my child. I want to set up a standard for my child to ultimately be able to be a self-actualized person as he grows older.
However, in reflection of my past teamwork experiences in class, I am often one of the organizers and stronger voices, connecting me with being a natural leader. In reflection of past job experience, I found it related to a low tolerance for incompetency and also being a natural leader, but did not demonstrate being a visionary or argumentative. My past job experience includes refereeing youth soccer matches and serving at Anthony’s Beach Café. My experience refereeing youth soccer matches forced me to become a leader, taking control of parents and the players, allowing me to mature well being in a position of authority. Well working as a server at Anthony’s I have developed very high expectations for myself, displaying my low tolerance for mistakes and increasing my productivity. My ENTJ personality directly connects with various management careers, which is a long-term career goal for me. Being outgoing and a natural leader are personality traits that illuminate a good manager. In order to be a good manager in the future it is also important to recognize and be aware of a
For me to be an effective leader, I must first evaluate my strengths. I took the Gallup 2.0 Strength Finder report which showed my strengths in an insight and action planning guide. The results indicated the top five themes for me were input, learner, responsibility, maximizer and arranger. I believe the evaluation offered an accurate assessment of my strengths. The input theme states my mind is like a sponge, soaking up information. As a lifelong learner, the second theme is also, correct. I have a quest for knowledge about things that interest me. I am responsible, in my job and life. As a maximizer, I focus on long term goals and strive toward excellence. As a nurse, working in an environment of change, the arranger strength in my personality allows me to adapt easily and figure out the best way to accomplish tasks (Strengths, 2012).
Upon taking the Myers Briggs personality test on the human metrics website I was not surprised that I received the conclusion of an ENTJ or “the natural born leader”. The role of an ENTJ is that you conduct yourself in a manner that is very logical and rational (“Personality”). The Myers Briggs Type Indicator test has been around for over 65 years and has continually evolved to become more accurate in identifying personality traits. I find that the ENTJ type of personality reflections are accurate due to the fact that I am a no nonsense type of leader that likes to take charge and get the job done. In order to become a better leader for your organization you can take the time to educate yourself on the other 15 types of personality traits. This will help a leader in better understanding the views of their coworkers and will give them the tools of deal...
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) has recognized my profile as Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking and Judgment (INTJ). As an introvert, I can get nervous among other people. It does not pose a problem for an individual. On the other hand, in order to be an effective leader, it is important for me to keep a profound communicational relationship with my subordinates. Without proper communication skills, it is not possible to establish a functional relationship with my subordinates. This may jeopardize the success of any activity that we are involved in. The introvert part is perhaps the major barrier which may keep me away from being an effective leader.
The school provides a safe environment for students to accomplish academic, social and emotional development. The leadership of a building will include effective decision making, human resource management, mission or purpose, understanding of change, relationship buildi...
Answering the question “‘Who are you?’ is where every leadership journey begins” (Kouzes & Posner, 2012, p. 43). My philosophy of leadership would be firmly rooted in compassion. It is my goal to create a learning environment that is supportive, fosters mutual respect and collaboration, and where students and staff feel safe and cared about. It is only when this type of environment is in place that I believe learning can take place to its fullest capacity. Through my completion of the survey for assessing natural leadership qualities, I was determined to be a creative assertive quality type (Glanz, 2002, p. 191-196). The characteristics listed on the high end of the creative assertive continuum are fitting to my personality (Glanz, 2002, p. 74). I am an emotional, sensitive, and caring person. I place extreme value on the presence of humanity in the world. Along with recognizing the importance of my students learning in many capacities, I believe we must educate the whole person by giving significant attention to the developing character of each individual child. It is my philosophy that by helping students to grow into critical thinkers that possess outstanding character, which includes demonstrating sensitivity and concern for others, that their lives will be rewarding as they contribute positively to the wor...
In addition, an effective leader is always confident and creates shared sense of purpose. Basically, leadership is an attempt that influences and motivates constituents; however, how can an individual assess whether they influence others in a positive way? To help individuals in assessing their leadership competencies, several methods/tools have been developed by scholars; I used Leadership Competences Scorecard Inventory (LCSI) to discover my leadership capabilities.
After understanding the theory behind both the trait and skill approach, I was eager to evaluate and reflect on my own leadership traits. It was interesting to see how the trait approach allowed me to better understand whether or not I have certain traits considered to be important for leadership, while skills approach allowed me to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in the technical, human and conceptual skills. From completing the Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) and the Skills Inventory, I was able to reflect more on how I behave towards others in a leadership context, as well as the skills that I currently possess. As a naturally extroverted person, I have been taking on leadership roles from a young age. The findings from these two
This paper describes about my leadership strengths and areas for growth/future study. It also included how these qualities are used in my daily work routine, self-assessment results and a brief explanation on Individual style in leadership.
I fall into a unique, more introverted and innovative personality type. Generally speaking, leaders are often expected to be extroverts. That seems to be the societal ideal. However, there were some well known introverts such Einstein, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela that obviously were successful leaders and innovators with a mission that suited them. I am motivated to lead if the mission has integrity and is an area of interest to me. Those factors feed my extroverted side. I like to improve systems and processes; one can put specialized projects and problems in front of me or ask me to create a growth opportunity and I will run with it. Our textbook The Art of Leadership by George Manning/Kent Curtis describes the most important traits of leadership as the need for achievement, possessing intelligence, self confidence, initiative, supervisory ability, and decisiveness (Manning). I am an intelligent problem solver and I can see many paths for growth. With right mission I can be very self- confident, I show initiative and supervisory ability. I can sometimes be slow on decisiveness so I try to identify