Implementing Quality Initiatives Paper

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When implementing new quality initiatives it is important to factor in that there will always be reluctancy to change. In order to successfully incorporate quality change into any construction organization there needs to be a driving force behind the cause. At the root of this driving force will be someone who instills leadership within an organization “Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organizations objectives.” (Charles A. Cianfrani, 2009) The leadership role of the driving force that is change can be defined by the following responsibilities:

- Analyzing existing processes
- Clarify new …show more content…

In order to act as a leader you must understand the existing procedures in order to properly identify the underlying issues which are necessary to move forward as a construction organization. When examining existing processes the leader can identify strengths and weaknesses based off of past experience in the existing system and use this to help create stability in the new system. Also by examining the existing system a leader can identify ways to easily assimilate the existing policies into the new ones to create a smoother transition.
3.2 Clarify goals and challenges When implementing quality initiatives it is important that the leader defines a clear vision and goal in order to create better understanding within the organization. This vision should define what you want to accomplish as an organization and help collaborate employees to teach in a common vison. Goals will be used to challenge employees, when creating goals it is important that they be measurable and attainable in order to instill employee satisfaction. Potential challenges should be presented and accounted for to create a proactive work system rather than a chaotic reactive work system.
3.3 Buy in from all …show more content…

Feedback will be taken into account by the leader and will be used to review/assess the implemented initiatives. Feedback and reviews can either be internal or external, it is important for to gain both insights when reviewing success. External reviews are beneficial in evaluating the success of the initiatives, these can be done through third party audits or customer satisfaction reviews. Internal reviews can be conducted, these help evaluate the overall efficiency of the initiatives put in place as well as the employee input can be taken into

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