P5 Assignment 3

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Unit 2 - Assignment 2 – How to Build Teams and Motivate Colleagues

P5 Analyse how effective teams can be developed to deliver excellent customer service
Recruitment is essential when trying to put together an effective team. Selecting the right people to work together, knowing what roles need to be filled and which candidates are most suitable is all part of the process.
According to “Belbin’s Theory” a strong team is made up of lots of different character types. For example if a team was made up completely of dominant controlling people it would not work because there would be an obvious personality clash however if you were able to create a team which is balanced and where each individual is in a position where they are able to contribute …show more content…

Then going on to work out how they can go about improving those areas. Internal staff development will also help boost morale and allow you to connect with your supervisor or trainer.
Team building initiatives, training days, activities, social occasions, awards evenings, bonuses and rewards are all indirect methods used by hospitality businesses in order to improve customer service. For example awards evenings would be good for motivating staff because if one of the employees won an award it might make they even more motivated to improve further which would benefit whichever company he is at.
CPD stands for continuing professional development. Continuing because no matter about your seniority or position you can never stop learning or revising old tricks. Professional because training is focused on professional competence. Development is key because the end goal is to improve personal performance and enhance career progression. CPD training can help you identify areas for improvement.
P7 Describe the role of the supervisor in developing …show more content…

Areas for development can be highlighted and plans put in place to address any weaknesses. Good feedback can lead to an increase in pay or extra added on bonuses.
When acting on customer feedback; levels of customer service should be monitored internally by a variety of methods and should be fed back to senior staff to ensure new targets set after receiving customer feedback are being met.
Maslow’s Hiercahy of human needs suggests people are motivated to achieve certain needs. When one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fulfil the next one, and so on. This is why setting targets based on feedback is so important because it gives staff something to aim for.
There is a lot more too motivating employees than just charisma and vision. To help staff perform at their very best a good supervisor or leader will need to provide the right kind of feedback at the right time. To master this skill you must build on your employees’ strengths while giving negative feedback. This ensures that employees aren’t too down hearted when receiving negative feedback.
What is also important to remember when giving feedback is that you’re specific and don’t give them too much information to absorb at once, otherwise it can be hard for them to remember all of

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