Team Essays

  • Team Effective Team Effectiveness

    1088 Words  | 3 Pages

    Team Effectiveness My goal as a new manager to develop team effectiveness within a new team is to try to get the team to be an effective as possible. When developing my new team I would seek out the factors that may affect team effectiveness, which are team composition, team structure, and team processes. Team composition entails who the members of the team are and what skills, abilities, and knowledge each member brings to the team. Some of the decision I will have to make for the team composition

  • Part of the Team

    2544 Words  | 6 Pages

    Part of the Team Basketball has been more than just a game in my life, it has always been a big part of my life, but it has been a part differently than what it is to others. I love everything about basketball. I have done everything from keeping the official book for a men's and women's collegiate team to washing a high school team's practice clothes and even making sure everyone has their uniforms and shoes before leaving for an away game. You don't have to be on the court, you don't have

  • Groups and Teams

    1105 Words  | 3 Pages

    Groups and Teams The forming, storming, norming, performing model of team development was first introduced by Bruce Tuckman in 1965. He argued that these phases are all necessary and inevitable for the team growth, overcoming challenges and tackling problems, finding solutions, planning work and delivering results. Tuckman later added a fifth phase, adjourning, which is referred to by some as the mourning stage, which involves completing the task and breaking up the team. (Wikipedia, 2005) All

  • The Ideal Team

    1429 Words  | 3 Pages

    When composing a team, your ideal team will consist of individuals who have the skills and experience to accomplish the task, as well as, the motivation needed to be successful. (Dyer, 37) Team composition is the configuration of a team, normally based on attributes of the team and the task given. The team leader’s job is to identify those individuals who will benefit the team in completing the task. Effective team leaders set the clear vision of the team’s goal, establish a clear direction towards

  • Team Reflection

    939 Words  | 2 Pages

    I always considered team work among our teams as our strength within the Information technology (IT) department in our organization. This attribute in addition to my teams system and business expertise, and dedication in developing custom software applications have resulted in several successful product launches. In our organization the drastic change in the landscape of retail business triggered the need for a new software system to handle the critical business functions and to tightly integrate

  • Team Communication

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    first, I would like to welcome you all to this team. I know it can be nerve-wracking to start working on a new project but I would like for everyone to get to know one another so we can help each other transition into working as a team. It is very important for all of us to feel that we belong and that we are all here to accomplish the same task. It would be advantageous for us all to find some time that we can set aside to discuss the purpose of this team, the norms that are expected of us, the roles

  • Dance Team

    880 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dance Team The Twin Cedars Community School District Board of Directors should decide in favor of funding a school dance team. Twin Cedars, a small country based school of approximately 500 students K-12, has never had the benefit of having a dance team. Two years ago, three Twin Cedars students got together with their dance instructor, Shannon Smith, an alumnist of Twin Cedars, and suggested that the school should have a dance team. Smith volunteered her time to coach and choreograph for a new

  • Virtual Teams

    1569 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cross – Cultural Virtual Teams. Virtual teams unite individuals from different countries to enable their company to obtain a competitive advantage (Vinaja, R. 2003). Multi-cultural concerns in virtual teams may not always be visible but they definitely do transpire (Vinaja, R. 2003). Current research suggests that virtual team failure is directly related to the difficulties of building trust, dealing with communication barriers and cultural differences (Kimble 2001) The most important issues

  • Team Observation

    570 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. Observations of team engagements – positive and negative. As the semester has progresses, my team has done an awesome job in contributing their efforts. We have met up about three times outside of class since the last journey entry due date. In one of the team meetings we met with Ben to discuss our ideas to him. My team all contributed to this and got great feedback from Ben. There really have not been lots of negative team engagements so far. Only negative I can really say is we should plan

  • The Stages Of A Team

    1192 Words  | 3 Pages

    Stages of a Team As a professional in Corporate America, working as part of a team, or leading a team is inevitable. Many great accomplishments come from teams. Establishing a team and understanding the stages of their development is necessary for a leader. The stages of team development are forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, & Konopeske, 2009). This paper explores these five development stages to the experience of the team effort assigned

  • football teams

    1146 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jake Wickstrom had an argument with Andre Brown this year senior about which messwood football team was better. This year Messwood football team or last year Messwood team. Jake and Andre have been having this argument for the whole 2013 football season. It really was an easy pick for me. I thought that 2013 football team was better than the 2012 team. I'm not saying this because I had played for the 2013 team i'm saying this because of the argument that Jake and Andre was having. Andre was pulling out

  • Virtual Teams

    1266 Words  | 3 Pages

    be expanded. In order to accomplish this task, I highly recommend the addition of virtual teams to our organization. Virtual teams are groups of two or more geographically and/or organizationally dispersed people who are coordinated primarily through a combination of telecommunications and communication technologies to accomplish a common and valued goal (Townsend, DeMarie, & Hendrickson, 1998). Virtual teams rely on communication technology such as phone conferencing, emails, FAX, and video virtual

  • Virtual Teams

    1374 Words  | 3 Pages

    Virtual Teams are formed with knowledge workers to collaborate on a variety of workplace tasks for better communication across multinational corporations. It is a great way of getting things done as a group and help in finishing each others tasks correctly and on time. Working as a team is always a good way to get tasks done and an excellent way in putting everyone's ideas together all at once by working on an online workplace website. As a group we decided to work on our assignment on google docs

  • Team Assessment

    831 Words  | 2 Pages

    Team Assessment Please note that the opinions expressed below are a generalization of the organization. Specific opinions may or may not apply to specific individuals. Communication The communication between members of the team and me is good/in line with the amount of time I’ve been here. The communication between the team members themselves is good but should be great given how long they’ve been together. The biggest obstacles to better communication are fear of conflict and lack of trust

  • Team Communication

    966 Words  | 2 Pages

    Team Communication Teamwork is very important when it comes to good communication skills. It has been said that effective communication skills empower an individual to inspire and influence others in order to reach the desired outcome, no matter how difficult the situation may appear to be. Anyone who has an open view about all things can give that information to another person and be able to explain why they feel the way they feel. And it can be possible that he/she are able to convince the

  • Virtual Teams

    942 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Value and Struggles of Virtual Teams The purpose of this paper is to reflect, understand, and evaluate the benefits as well as the distractions that individuals and teams are faced with while working in a virtual world. As we all know, to be successful today, we need to embrace the value of these platforms in order to keep up with the thriving world of Web based technology. Collaboration, publication, peer review and exchange of precompetitive information are now becoming the keys

  • Impact of Team Conflicts on Team Performance

    3066 Words  | 7 Pages

    2.1) LITERATURE REVIEW Team conflicts: Conflict is a basic aspect of teamwork (Levi, 2001), since the number of decisions that a team needs to make often evokes feelings of discomfort and stress. Conflict very often arises from a clash of different working style, ideas, interests, needs, and wants. Team conflicts can be due to high stress level. It has been experienced that in teamwork there can be conflicts and conflicts creates dissatisfaction among the employees. It is important that conflicts

  • The Fundamentals Of Team Working And Team Working Essentials

    1864 Words  | 4 Pages

    1) The fundamentals of team working and team working essentials include. • Definition of team working. The team working is a group of individuals, and they work for a common goal, to achieving a task and getting a best result as they can. Team working is practice in work place. Team work is crucial part of business. It’s important to members of team to work very well together as they work for common goal and give them best effort to completing a task, using them own skills and not getting in conflict

  • Virtual Teams

    963 Words  | 2 Pages

    virtual teams is the difficulty generated by virtual communication for negotiations with customers, internal and external. Despite cultural differences, such as language and values can negatively impact communication between team members, these problems can be minimized by setting a default language and values shared by the company. The main differences between virtual teams and collocated teams are in the distance and the form of communication, however, the main issue of this new type of team is not

  • Virtual Teams

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    Virtual teams are made up of members from different geographical areas that come together, through the use of electronic technology, to complete assignments. Businesses choose talented members of their teams to collaborate with team members across the country or in some cases, the world, to work together to find the best possible solution to a given problem. This can be accomplished by virtual meetings through the use of internet connections and the webcam on a computer. Often these members will