Leadership Vision and Goals

544 Words2 Pages

Leadership Vision and Goals
Vision and goals go hand in hand to help create a successful organization. As a leader, you cannot create goals without having a vision, and cannot realize the vision without setting goals to get there. An effective leader will need to have both a vision for the future, as well as a clear cut set of goals that will help a company to grow and achieve that vision. A leader needs to be committed to and passionate about their vision, and driven to accomplish their goals in order for their vision to be successfully realized.
Before a leader can be successful and before goals can be set, a vision is needed. A vision is something you want to achieve or accomplish, something you want for the future, and it is the most important thing for a successful leader to have. Without a clear vision, leaders will have problems inspiring others, and employees will have a difficult time being motivated due to not knowing what they’re working to achieve. Clark (1997) states that “As a leader, you have to get your followers to trust you and be sold on your vision” (p. 1)...

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