Health Professor Challenge

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Last week my health professor challenges our class to stop complaining for just 24 hour. So I decided to challenge myself not to complain for 24 hours. It was not nearly as easy as I thought it would be at all. It turns out that I do a lot more complaining than I realized . It wasn't until I started really paying attention to what I was saying and thinking did I start to see how much negatively I was actually putting out. For the most part, these are tiny things- phrases like “why did I even sign up for Friday class" and " I just want to go home." Every time you complain, you're putting negative energy into your life. That is something you definitely don't want to be doing if you're striving to live more positively. The more you complain, the less space you leave for positive thoughts. As I made it through the 24 hours of attempting, it became very clear to me that I needed to change some of my thoughts and habits in order to create a more positive mind to myself. I thought about how I could avoid from bringing negative thoughts in my mind. The first complaint I notice myself uttering during this 24 hour challenge was this morning how much i didn’t …show more content…

In my mind, I was dreading the art sculpture which I had to do for my 3-D design class which the professor assign the project today. which she mention during last week lecture. I was complaining on the amount of money I’m going waste for materials. In order to complete my assignment. In addition, I will be completing my project the night before the test. Even the art professor gave the class three weeks to work on it. These things weren't even happening and I was already complaining about them. I soon discovered when I pulled my mind back to the present moment, I had a lot of less to complain

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