Explain How To Promote Positive Behaviour Within A School

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There are various strategies which can be put in place to help support and promote positive behaviour within schools. School policies outline expectations required by school of how they wish their students to behave. And outline some strategies and consequences of actions.
As soon as the new school academic year begins, boundaries and behaviour expecations should be made clear by the school. A Home/School Agreement should be sent home and signed by both the parents/carers and the student. This should outline what is exceptable behaviour and what is not.
When work begins in the classroom, the teacher should outline and display their set of classroom rules. These should be discussed and agreed with all students. This give clear guidelines to …show more content…

If we do this, we are more like to keep the students engaged and not have them creating problems around the classroom. And providing necessary support when it is needed. If a child finds that they are unable to do the task, they will then become distracted. As soon as a TA realises that they are having problems, the TA should approach them to ask what they are stuck on, talk about the problem in simple terms, using non-flowery language. And talk them through the problem, but only lead. If the student feels that they have solved the problem they will feel a sense of achievement and will then wish to continue unaided. Use of rewards systems are highly effective. By giving the students the responsibility at the beginning of each day of choosing their reward, you are laying down the expectation that they must earn a certain amount stars during the day to get that reward. At the end of each lesson the teacher should discuss with any child who has not earned a star what the problem was, and give them every chance to earn that star back so that they can receive their reward. This system promotes

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