2.1 Explain Ways To Maintain A Safe And Supportive Learning Environment

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2.1 Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment The student should complete an essay discussing ways in which to promote a safe and supportive learning environment. They should include a list of rules and how these should be established with learners (400 words minimum) ‘If we are to really make a difference for our learners, we must help create the optimal conditions for learning to occur. This optimization includes establishing the framework in which learning will reside’. Clapper, 2010. To help learners achieve the best outcomes for themselves, teachers need to create safe, supportive and inclusive learning environments. These are environments where learners feel safe to ask questions, contribute opinions, and to …show more content…

Making the learning relatable to the individuals and to their work. Ensuring that the session is engaging and interesting, and for me as a teacher to show a passion for the subject. Putting the learners at the center of my delivery and involving them so that the sessions are not me just speaking to the learners. Having an understanding of the group and their needs prior to the session. Role modeling respectful and professional behaviors. Taking an active interest in the learners’ contributions and …show more content…

Law Insider. 2024) Following on from the previous question, it is important to promote appropriate behavior and respect for others because as teachers we want to create safe and inclusive spaces where people can learn to the best of their ability. Kefallinou Symeonidou and Meijer stated that ‘a personalized approach is particularly important for dealing with behavior, social, and/or emotional problems that form great challenges in inclusive education’. (Kefallinou, A & Symeonidou, S, & Meijer W, 2020) I involve my groups in the setting of ground rules from the beginning of a session. CDP Online College stated of involving the group in rule setting; ‘That way if any student crosses the line, it not only goes against your rules, it goes against the ethos of the whole class – and is less likely to be favourably received by classmates’ (CPD Online College, 2020). Some examples of what these ground rules could include are: • Not speaking over other learners. Respecting the opinions and contributions of others. Being on time returning from breaks. Not having mobile devices or laptops out during the session. I have been involved in situations where

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