Exercise Persuasive Essay

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I remember when I was a kid and going outside was what I wanted to do every day after I got home from school. I would go outside and shoots some hoops or go out and play in the crick out back. I never wanted to go inside and watch television or play video games. Joel B. Braunstein, MD, is a fellow in the department cardiovascular Medicine at the John Hopkins hospital and university, Baltimore Md. voices out: “Exercise for young people should be fun rather than an effort. Relaxing, not stressful. For example, small children should engage only in activities they enjoy.” Exercise back then was a whole lot easier a lot more fun back in the day. Running around chasing nothing, climbing trees, and shooting the cows, playing basketball until you couldn’t see the ball anymore. Those were the good ole days when exercise wasn’t a problem. Exercise is very important everyone needs it even if just consists of taking a walk to the end of the driveway a couple of times.
Exercise is a good and easy way to stay healthy and more in shape. It does not take a whole lot of work but it does take some motivation. I know that it can be hard to leave that recliner when your favorite show comes on but there are still ways to exercise during shows. During the …show more content…

Goals need to be set so that you can push yourself to do better and to achieve them. Without a goal, sometimes you don’t know how to properly work out and exercise. Maybe one week you could dedicate your exercises to cardio. April Durret, an IDEA contributing editor delivers:” Other fitness pros prevent their workouts from becoming stale--and sharpen their skills at the same time--by seeking out different exercises.” Set a goal that’s not too hard to conquer for the first time around and after you have done that you can make the goal harder and gradually work your way up to something more difficult. Having a goal helps when you are trying achieve a task it gives you a reason to try and put forth an effort in

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