Essay On Mobile Technology

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The effect of mobile technology on students ' studying ability across a university campus. 1. Introduction In the past decade the use of mobile technology has escalated, with 93% of adults in the UK now owning a mobile phone (Ofcom, 2014). Mobile phones have become so integrated within everyday life, especially within the younger generations, that many studies have been taken to fully understand the way in which mobile technology can aid the human population in ways other than communication. Of the articles researching links between mobile devices and education most are focused on health education, concluding that mobile technology has a positive impact on learning experience (Wangber et al 2006; Froisland, D. et al 2011; Quinn, C; 2011). …show more content…

At first I noted that my use of my phone when doing weekly work such as reading and lecture notes was much higher than when I was working on a project or piece of coursework. I would regularly check my phone for messages and would be easily distracted when doing regular work where there was no deadline for completion. This meant that I allowed myself to be distracted more easily and for longer periods of time. However, when doing work that had to be completed for a certain date there was more of an urgency and need not to get distracted by the mobile phone. Whilst the majority of use of my mobile phone was social, I found at times in became extremely useful and greatly aided my studying. For example on the second day of observation I …show more content…

Six of the participants stated that the ability to quickly search the internet for information was of great use, although was less important than when in the library as they had access to their own computers in their room. Surprisingly many of the participants felt that although socialising online through mobiles could be extremely distracting at times, the ability to quickly ask a fellow student about work was very helpful. Not only did it aid their studying ability it would often reduce any stress about current work or looming deadlines. Additionally, a few participants said that their mobiles meant they could keep in contact with their group when doing group work so they could set up meeting times and transfer information about the

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