How Do Cell Phones Change Society?

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How do cell phones change society? Do you realize how much you use your phone? And how phones affect your social life? Cell Phones affect society in good and bad ways. It's impossible to imagine a time when there were no phones, which was a long time ago. During 1983 the first phone was made, it took 10 hours to charge the battery. Before smartphone were invented. We even have portable chargers now. No one could imagine life without phones. Weather your checking twitter or texting a friend. Everyone likes to talk, listen and learn about new things. Todd Stark weather said “It’s up to the student whether or not they choose to spend class time listening and learning, or wasting their time on the phone.” Majority can afford phones now. Before they could do much more out door activities, they weren’t lazy like people in our society now. Everyone depended on their selves to do their own work or chores, not on others. Sadly now everything has changed with the major improvement in technology. Phones didn't only change society, but it changed the world in many ways. People are always connected. People before have imagined flying cars and other inventions for the future, but no one even thought of having cell cellular devices. On the bright side having a cell phone makes communication and interaction much easier. We can reach people very easily now when ever we want to, unlike before if the person you're looking for isn't home you would have to leave a message. You trying to make plans with your friends? You could plan things within minutes by having a phone. Always stay connected with family and friends, staying in touch no matter where you are near or far. Phones are very helpful for long distant relationships, using video chat like tan... ... middle of paper ... ...on a lot. Which is basically because of technology. Technology has also helped many people survive death. It’s impossible to walk around the streets without seeing someone texting. The World Bank says, “Three quarters of people on earth have access to a mobile phone.” Cell phones are a part of our everyday life. Our society is obsessed with communication. Technology has some positives and negatives. It’s your choice to make, and when is the appropriate time to use it. So how about now? Did you change your mind about how much you'll start using your phone? I hope so. - -Author: Laura Jerpi - Negative impact on society (YouTube video)

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