Essay On 3d Animation

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2.1 Introduction
Animations is one of the most developed fields in multimedia and design, used in many areas of industry, most especial in the film industry, advertising and promotion, education and also in the game industry where they creates a lot of game using 3D animation. 3D animation consists of varying properties of a 3 dimensional scene defined in numerical quantities. A 3D model can change properties such as position, rotation, shape and surface style. An animated 3D scene is defined by the change of these numerical properties through time. Apart from 3D objects, a scene contains a camera (point of view) and lights which can also be animated. In order to create an animation each of the 3D scene needs to be rendered to create a frame. However, people are not been alert on how it started and what bring it to history. In this chapter, it will show a short brief of 3D history, techniques used and it evolution from 2D to 3D and also the storyline definition.

2.2 History of animation
Early 1940s and 50s, john Whitney start the experiment of computer graphics, but early 60s when digital computer graphics come to promising stage. So as the animation didn’t just happen, but with the contribution of many people to see that they build in to the digital age of technology with the 3d animation (computer animation) by using moving image that consist of sketch of scene drawn on a paper that help them in developing techniques using technology for creating the animations, which is developed to what it is today.
3D animation is a process that involves taking fully 3D objects (whether they are physical or digital) and making them animate and move. Most 3D animation today is done using CGI (computer-generated i...

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...theme in its certain part to get the attention of viewers.
In this 3D animation project (project name), is trying to show an advertisement of my university, …………………

2.8 Conclusion
In this chapter, it has shown a brief history of animation and how it started in the early days of animation. It also discussed about 2D in brief and 3D. Also the techniques applied in making of animation since early ages with the evolution of 2D to 3D animation.
From what is discussed about 3D in this project, that is why I try to come up with the creation of 3D animation story which will conveyed a positive moral value so that the end user might get the information and objectives of this project. Based on the techniques and concept that have been studied, it will be applied in this 3D developing the project in creating a short 3D animation story tittle (,,,,).

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