Effects of a New Store On The Community

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Effects of a New Store On The Community

When the new store opens it might have an effect on the community.

This effect could be a benefit or a cost to the community.

Benefits - 1) When the new store opens, they will have to pay rates to

the council for such things as rent. These rates might be used by the

local council to improve the local services. The local services that

could be improved include education, NHS and other council funded


2) As well as this, when the store opens and customers start to visit

the store, the local economy will benefit. The local economy will

benefit because the new store will bring in money for people who have

jobs in the new store. It will also benefit because the new store will

bring in customers for other shops, so these shops will benefit from


3) When the new store is been built, the building work will help to

benefit the community. It will benefit the community because after the

building work is complete the building will be modern. This helps to

improve the infrastructure of the town.

4) Another way the new store will help to benefit the community is

that it will bring more competition between other mobile phone stores.

This will help the community because it means all of the mobile phone

stores will be competing against each other to win the customers. When

they are competing against each other they will lower their prices to

win customers, so there will be a price war between the shops and the

community will benefit.

Other ways the community could benefit from this new store opening

are: there will be a wider range of goods in the shops, there will be

new jobs available and it will increase the reputation of the town.

Costs - 1) When a new store opens it can lead to prices of rent

becoming higher. Sometimes the prices rise so much local business' can

close down because they cannot afford these costs.

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