Effects Of Teenagers Essay

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Being a teenager in today’s society is really tough, but also very stressful! Teenagers have the pressure of: obtaining jobs, going to school and getting good grades, fitting in at school, and making money. Teenagers have too much stress, and don’t really know how to deal with it yet; Hans Selye said “It 's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” I personally don’t have a job now, but my friend is always getting home around 11:30 on a school night. I don’t believe it is healthy to get home at 11:30, then try to get your homework done, and take a shower whilst getting 8 hours of sleep. It is impossible. I believe teenagers should work and learn responsibility, but overworking them is unacceptable. When we have to be at a job that long, we …show more content…

Peer pressure is a real thing that happens, but I don’t think it happens how it is shown on movies. Our peers put the pressure on us to have the right clothes and shoes to wear, but I have never had someone pressure me into doing something I don’t want to. Bullying is a more of a verbal problem nowadays. I feel like back when my parents went to school it was more of the “Give me your lunch money or I’ll shove you in a locker,” kind of bullying. Now it is more verbal and trying to hurt people on the inside. The other day another student and I were just talking she then made a sign at me in Sign Language, and I said “I’ll just be the bigger person here,” and she responded with “Yeah, but not better looking.” Why she had to say that, I have no idea, but I just tell myself “If that is what helps you sleep at night, then so be it.” Rumors are a big thing too. In the seventh grade, a girl started this rumor about Kayla and I, and then she herself asked us if it was true after she spread it through the whole school. I have never been one to have to prove myself in those situations, but it was seventh grade and really

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