Well Being In Adolescence Essay

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Crisis and Well-being during the Adolescence Stage Emma Hannigan Montana State University Transition and change are some of the most difficult obstacles for people to overcome. It is no surprise that adolescence, defined as the transition from childhood to adulthood, is full of obstacles (Feldman, 2012). During this time period, adolescents are neither adults nor children; they do not appear to belong in any stable group. However uncomfortable this may seem, it is also a fitting definition. For during the adolescent stage, adolescents face puberty, sexual curiosity, self-esteem issues, and doubts about their future (Feldman, 2012). Psychoanalyst Erik Erikson aptly argued that adolescents pass through the identity-versus-identity-confusion stage in which teenagers search for defining and unique characteristics about themselves (Feldman, 2012). When a teenager struggles with this stage, a crisis emerges in which they are unable to find an appropriate role in life, often acting out or pursuing dangerous behaviors (Feldman, 2012). According to Erikson, when adolescents are unable to find ownership of an identity, their lives can spiral off in several directions. In some ways they will reverse the role of their desire, slipping into a socially unacceptable role or a role that does not match who they wish to become (Feldman, 2012). Other teenagers will forego social interactions, leaving them to feel sad and alone in the world (Feldman, 2012). Teenagers thrive off of finding an identity to center themselves around, and when they fail to identify one, the adolescent crisis ensues (Feldman, 2012). There are several factors that can distract an adolescent from identifying a personal identity and pursuing a life of well-being... ... middle of paper ... ...cent (Lee & Loke, 2011). No matter which culture is examined, there are many different aspects to the well-being of the teenager. Many important aspects of well-being concern physical traits or habits, such as hygiene, body weight, and appearance (Feldman, 2012). Other aspects of well-being involve cognitive development, such as an adolescents ability to perform in school or think in shades of gray. The final aspect of well-being examines social and personality development, for example, how teenagers socially interact, their emotional state, and abuses of illicit substances (Feldman, 2012). In all of these aspects, an adolescent can find their identity and a sense of well-being, but they can also experience Erikson’s definition of crisis. That is why the adolescent age group must strive to maintain a strong sense of well-being while searching for their identity.

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